
admin2017-08-23  25

问题     中国是一个幅员辽阔、资源丰富、历史悠久的多民族国家,每个民族都有其独特的丰富菜肴。地域菜系在地理环境、气候、文化传统、民族风俗和其他因素的影响下经过悠久历史的发展已经成形。最有影响力、最具代表性的是鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽菜系,这八种被人们称为“八大菜系”。中国的“八大菜系”是以多种多样的烹饪方法区分的,各有其长处。


答案 China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation with a vast territory and abundant resources, and every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes. Regional cuisines have taken shape after long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and other factors. The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan,Yue, Min, Su, Zhe, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as "Eight Major Cuisines". Dishes in the "Eight Major Cuisines" in China are characterized by diversified cooking skills, with each having its strong points.

解析     该翻译题目讲的是中国的八大菜系,考生比较熟悉,几乎不存在理解难度。该段文字中不存在文化含义深厚或生僻的词汇,因此应以直译为主。
    第一句话翻译时,“多民族国家”前面的定语太长,因此可将其灵活地处理成前置和后置定语。“幅员辽阔”可以译为“a vast territory”;“资源丰富”可以译为“abundant resource”。
    第二句话中,“地域菜系”可以译为“regional cuisines”;“在……的影响下”可以译为“under the influence of…”
    第三句翻译的难点在于这八大菜系名称的准确翻译。“鲁菜”“川菜”“粤菜”“闽菜”“苏菜”“浙菜”“湘菜”“徽菜”分别译为“Lu Cuisine”“Chuan Cuisine”“Yue Cuisine”“Min Cuisine”“Su Cuisine”“Zhe Cuisine”“Xiang Cuisine”“Hui Cuisine”。
    第四句中,“多种多样的烹饪方法”可以译为“diversified cooking skills”;“各有其长处”可以译作伴随状语“with each having its strong points”。
