
admin2014-10-03  61

问题     第二个人说:活腻味了。爱过了,恨过了,哭过了,笑过了,乐过了,苦过了。金银财宝,身外之物。功名利禄,过眼云烟。香酥鸡、肯德基、道口烧鸡,大同小异。长城饭店、昆仑饭店、建国饭店,千篇一律。台球、保龄球、高尔夫球,无非是球。人生不过如此,该收场了。游戏人生,我够了。你们爱玩玩去吧,别拉扯上我.


答案Another person complains, " What a boring life! I have loved, hated, cried and laughed. I have tasted both the bitterness and sweetness of life. Gold and silver have never belonged to me from the very beginning. The exploits, the fame and the fortunes are transient as the floating clouds. Chickens are chickens, be it Fried Crisp Chicken, KFC chicken or Red-cooked Chicken. And hotels are hotels, be it the Great Wall Hotel, Kunlun Hotel or Jianguo Hotel. Can you say that the snooker, bowling or golf is not a ball game? Life is just like that. It’s time that I quitted it. It’s much enough for me to fool around in this life. Just go ahead if you still want to play on. But leave me alone. " A third person retorts, " How can you treat life like that? How can you say that life is too exhausting and too boring? Don’t you have a sense of responsibility in this great age of vicissitudes? Can we live for ourselves only? Do you think it easy for our country to enjoy the present peace and stability? My friends, it’s our responsibility to rejuvenate our Chinese nation. We must undertake the heavy task of implementing the policy of opening-up and reform. We have the responsibility for our society, for our country, and for our descendants. Otherwise we would feel guilty. Now cheer up! Come on.

