Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the

admin2017-12-07  47

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the impact of technological advances on education. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案 The picture shows a very ironic phenomenon that the knowledge taught in class can’t follow the pace of technological advancement and therefore tends to be invalid. In my opinion, education can never be out of date. Progress in technology is always one of the driving forces that education can rest upon. First, technological advances can greatly improve teaching and learning methods. Multi-media devices, like head projectors, are widely used in modern classrooms, which incorporate lively pictures, sounds and videos. And students can search information and broaden their horizons by simply clicking the mouse. Besides, technological advances also overhaul the traditional teaching models. In the past, students could only rest upon their teachers to know about the universe. That’s to say, teachers’ experience, whether direct or second-hand, makes all the true knowledge. But it should be known that teachers may make mistakes. Technological advances, however, help transform the traditional teacher-oriented classroom into a more modern student-oriented one, in which students can both develop their analytical and critical thinking. Technological advances and education are not contradictory, but complementary. Technological advances help the revolution of education. The evolution in education, in turn, speeds up the pace of technology.

解析 看图作文,题目要求考生根据图片所示,着重围绕科技进步对教育产生的影响进行论述。据此,文章的结构可安排如下:第一段:准确简要地描述漫画内容,并指出所反映的问题:课堂上教授的内容无法跟上科技的步伐而变得无法适用。显然这一观点有些以偏概全,因此提出个人看法,即中心论点:教育与科技应该并驾齐驱且科技是教育永远可以依赖的助力之一。第二段:从两方面说明科技进步对教育的助推作用:科技进步改进了教与学的方法并彻底改革了传统的教学模式,以此力证科技进步对教育产生了积极影响。第三段:指出科技进步与教育的正确关系:互长而非互斥,并简叙科技进步与教育是如何互相促进的。
