Someone asked me last week, "In the long run, is technology our saviour or our demise?" I thought it over, and the thing is, we

admin2016-01-30  36

问题     Someone asked me last week, "In the long run, is technology our saviour or our demise?" I thought it over, and the thing is, we made technology. It is only an expression of our humanity, so it’s wrong to think of it as something given to us by aliens—and then we can blame technology, not ourselves, when something goes wrong. The question that was really asked was, "Are humans going to kill themselves?" The answer would be the exact same answer that would be given 10 years ago, 2,000 years ago or 1,000 years in the future. We’ re still around, so the answer is no, we’ re not, but this still doesn’t change the fact that we’re now stuck living inside the future where we’re stuck worrying about this question for all of our waking hours.


答案 最近有人问我:“从长远来看,科技是我们的救星还是我们的终结?”我仔细考虑了一下,问题在于,科技是我们发明的。科技仅是我们人性的一种表达,所以不能把它看成是外星人送给我们的什么东西,然后出问题时我们可以责怪科技,而不是我们自己。我们真正该问的问题是:“人类会毁灭自己吗?”无论是在10年前,2000年前还是1000年以后,答案都是同一个。我们仍存在着,因此答案是不会,我们不会毁灭自己。但这依然无法改变一个事实,那就是我们现在受困于生活在未来之中,在这里我们受困于在醒着的每一刻为这个问题担忧。

