
admin2021-07-13  38

问题     提到中国文化就不能不提到中国饮食。中国的菜肴很丰富,种类繁多,源自中国56个民族(nationality)和广大的地域。中国北方多以面食为主,南方多以米食为主,这形成了巨大的反差。作为一种文化载体(carrier),饺子是中国传统饮食文化的典型代表。唐宋时期,中国的面食得到了进一步的发展。与此同时,与其他国家的面食交流也开始了。随着时间的流逝,中国面食文化被继承与发展,创造出更多融古今风味于一体的全新面食。


答案 It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning Chinese food. Chinese dishes are rich and varied in kind, originating from China’s 56 nationalities and its vast territory. Additionally, the more wheat-based diet of China’s Northern regions provides a sharp contrast in diet to the more rice-based diet of China’s Southern regions. As a carrier of culture, dumpling is the typical example of traditional Chinese cuisine culture. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese flour food got further development. Meanwhile, exchanges with other countries on flour food were carried out. As time goes by, the flour food culture has definitely been carried forward and further developed, creating more and more innovative flour delicates combining traditional and modern styles.

解析 1.第一句中,“提到……就不能不提到……”翻译成It is impossible to mention…without mentioning。
2.第二句中,“源自中国56个民族和广大的地域”可以译作现在分词短语作原因状语,即originating from China’s 56 nationalities and its vast territory。
5.第七句中,“融古今风味于一体”译作combining traditional and modern styles。
