The owners of the swamp to the north of the village began to covet the black land. They banded together and formed a reclamation

admin2013-06-12  28

问题    The owners of the swamp to the north of the village began to covet the black land. They banded together and formed a reclamation district. I work for the company which took the contract to put a ditch through. The floating clamshell digger arrived, was put together and started eating a ditch of open water through the swamp.
   I tried living in the floating bunkhouse with the crew for a while, but the mosquitoes that hung in banks over the dredger and the heavy pestilential mist that sneaked out of the swamp every night and slid near to the ground drove me into the village of Loma, where I took a furnished room, the most dismal I have ever seen, in the house of Mrs. Rats. I might have looked farther, but the idea of having my mail come in care of Mrs. Ratz decided me. After all, I only slept in the bare cold room, I ate my meals in the galley of the floating bunkhouse.
   There aren’t more than two hundred people in Loma. The Methodist church has the highest place on the hill; its spire is visible for miles. Two groceries, a hardware store, an ancient Masonic Hall and the Buffalo Bar comprise the public buildings. On the side of the hills are the small wooden houses of the population and on the rich southern flats are the houses of the landowners, small yards usually enclosed by high walls of clipped cypress to keep out the driving afternoon winds.


答案 镇北面的人也开始希望把自己的沼泽地变成沃土。他们联合起来,划出了一片开拓区。我工作的那家公司与镇民们签订了挖一条排水沟的施工合同。哈壳式挖泥船被运到现场,就地组装,然后便开始在那片水泽中挖沟排水。 我试着与同事们在挖泥船上住了几天,但围着挖泥船嗡嗡叫的蚊群和每晚从沼泽中冒出并徐徐飘向地面的浓浓痒雾终于把我赶进了洛曼镇。我在罗兹太太家租了个带家具的房间,一个我所见过的最阴沉的房间。我本来可以再另外找找,但考虑到罗兹太太可以替我收邮件,于是就决定住了下来。毕竟我只是在那个没有装饰的房间里睡睡觉而已,一日三餐我都是在挖泥船上的厨房里吃的。 洛曼镇上顶多只有两百人。卫理公会教堂坐落在小山顶上,从好几英里外就能望见教堂的塔尖。两家杂货铺,一家五金店,一座古老的共济会大厅和那个布法罗酒馆便构成了全镇的公共建筑。镇民们的小木屋环绕在山腰,镇子南面肥沃的平地上点缀着菜农们的房舍。那些小小的庭院大多围着一处修剪的柏树高篱,以阻挡午后的疾风。

