A、The man shouldn’t expect her to go along. B、She doesn’t think she has enough money. C、She’ll go even though the movie is bad.

admin2009-09-12  59


选项 A、The man shouldn’t expect her to go along.
B、She doesn’t think she has enough money.
C、She’ll go even though the movie is bad.
D、The man should count the number of people going;


解析 [听力原文]
M: I thought it would be fun if we all went to see that new movie downtown.
W: Count me out. I’ve heard it’s not worth the money.
Q: What does the woman mean?
信息明示题。男士建议大家一起去城里看电影,女士认为看电影物非所值,让他不要把自己算在内,所以A正确。   count有“计算;认为”等含义,相关短语有:count out不把…算入;count in把…算入;count on依靠,依赖,如:You can count on my help.你可以依靠我的帮助。
