Tight electricity supply is constraining China’s economic growth--a situation likely to persist for three to four years until ne

admin2011-01-09  44

问题     Tight electricity supply is constraining China’s economic growth--a situation likely to persist for three to four years until new capacity comes online. The energy shortfall has not yet severely hampered U.S. business operations in China, but this remains a distinct possibility. Shortages have now spread to two-thirds of China’s provinces, affecting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other first-tier cities. Plants in China’s manufacturing heartland, the Pearl River Basin and East China now experience frequent mandatory shutdowns.
    Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces have imposed electricity rationing. Many plants have installed costly back-up diesel generators. Shanghai’s demand for electricity outstrips supply by two to four million kilowatts. The tight supply is causing price increases at the front end of the manufacturing supply chain. High energy costs are a competitive disadvantage for China in the world marketplace. Quality, quantity, and security of supply also are essential for China’s continued economic growth. Present restrictions on the direct sale of electricity, oil, and gas to industrial users promote inefficiency and non-competitiveness. Much of the current concern with the "overheating" of China’s economy has been driven by the fear that the energy supply is not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming industries.
    China’s rapid economic growth, especially in the construction and manufacturing sectors, is behind the electricity shortage. China’s energy industry has doubled in absolute terms during the last ten years, but such growth has been insufficient to meet demand. It takes five to seven years to design, construct, and commission a major thermal power plant, seven to ten years to explore and develop an oilfield, and five years to develop a coalmine. All require extremely large capital investment.
    Despite the fact that China has the world’s second largest coal reserves and worldwide coal and coke prices are at eight-year highs, supply has not been able to keep up with demand. Efforts to raise electricity production in the near term have been hampered by deficient railroad capacity, which has prevented coal from reaching power stations. While coal price cycles usually do not coincide with oil prices, current high prices in both commodities have supply straining to meet demand. While China only imported 0.6 percent of world oil supplies in 1995, it now imports 3 percent of the world’s oil. China, like the United States, is becoming increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in the world’s supply of oil.


答案 供电紧张正在制约中国的经济增长,这种情况有可能还要持续三四年,直至新的发电厂投产运营。虽然能源短缺尚未严重影响美国企业在中国的运营,这种可能性显然存在。电力短缺已蔓延到中国三分之二的省市,影响到北京、上海、广州和其他一级城市。位于中国制造业中心的珠江三角洲和华东的厂家正频繁遭遇拉闸限电。 浙江和江苏两省则开始实行配额供电。不少工厂安装了昂贵的应急柴油发电机。上海市的电力缺口已达200-400万千瓦。供电紧张引起制造业供应链上游价格上涨。高成本能源已成为中国在全球市场竞争中的一个劣势,而能源的质量、数量和供应安全对中国经济的持续增长至关重要。目前国家限制直接向工业用户出售电力、原油和天然气的作法降低了效率和竞争力。而人们对中国“经济过热”的关注很大程度上是由于担心能源不能满足主要耗能产业的发展。 中国经济的高速发展,尤其是建筑业和制造业的高速发展是电力短缺的原因所在。按绝对数字衡量,中国的能源工业较十年前翻了一番,但仍然无法满足需求。设计、建设和投产一个大型热力发电厂要5~7年时间,勘探和开发一个油田要7~10年时间,开发一个煤矿则需要5年时间,而且都需要巨额的投资。 尽管中国拥有世界第二大煤炭储量,而全球煤炭和焦碳的价格正处在8年来的新高,中国的能源供应仍未能满足需求。铁路向电厂输送燃煤的运力不足也影响到短期内提高电力生产的努力。通常,煤炭和石油的价格涨落周期不同,但目前这两种商品的价格都居高不下,使供应很难满足需求。1995年中国石油进口仅占全球石油供应量的0.6%,现在这一比例已增至3%。和美国一样,中国也日益受到世界石油市场动荡的影响。

解析     本文主要讨论中国的能源形势。文章通过具体事例说明中国的电力供应情况不容乐观,并深入分析了电力紧张的原因。
    1.energy shortfall       能源短缺
    2.first-tier cities      一级城市
    3.Pearl River Basin      珠江三角洲
    4.kilowatt               千瓦
    5.mandatory shutdown     拉闸限电
    6.electricity rationing  配额供电
1.Tight electricity supply is constraining China’s economic growth—a situation likely to persist for three to four years until new capacity comes online.
2.Present restrictions on the direct sale of electricity,oil,and gas to industrial users promote inefficiency and non—competitiveness.
    该句可根据原文自然语法顺序翻译,但需根据汉语惯用法,采取反语表达,如将promote,inefficiency 和 non-competitiveness反译,使整个译文通顺流畅。因此,原句可译为“目前国家限制直接向工业用户出售电力、原油和天然气的作法降低了效率和竞争力。”
3.Much of the current concern with the “overheating” of China’s economy has been driven by the fear that the energy supply is not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming industries.
    该句可按其正常语法结构顺序翻译,但要注意句中be driven by(为……所驱动)实际上表原因,这可以在译文中体现。因此,原句可译为“而人们对中国‘经济过热’的关注很大程度上是由于担心能源不能满足主要耗能产业的发展。”
4.It takes five to seven years to design,construct,and commission a major thermal power plant,seven to ten years to explore and develop an oilfield,and five years to develop a coalmine.All require extremely large capital investment.
    该句主要结构是It takes+时间+to do,翻译按套路译便可,需要注意的是要正确理解并翻译文中的动词。因此,原句可译为“设计、建设和投产一个大型热力发电厂要5-7年时间,勘探和开发一个油田要7-10年时间,开发一个煤矿则需要5年时间,而且都需要巨额的投资。”
5.China,like the United States,is becoming increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in the world’s supply of oil.
    1.come online               投产运营
    2.hamper                    防碍
    3.back-up diesel generator  应急柴油发电机
    4.outstrip                  超过,超越(文中在上下文背景下译作名词“缺口”)
    5.be behind...           是……的原因所在
    6.commission                投产
    7.coal reserves             煤炭储量
    8. in the near term          短期内
    9. coincide with             与......吻
    10. straining                压
