A、The islands belonged to Russia before World War Ⅱ. B、The chain islands are under Japanese government’s control now. C、The othe

admin2011-01-08  48

A diplomatic roar broke out between Japan and Russia on Wednesday following the shooting death of a Japanese fisherman in waters claimed by both countries. Russia confirms that border patrol shot dead a Japanese fisherman earlier in the day, aboard a vessel suspected of illegally fishing for lucrative crab.Thirty-five year old Mitsuhiro Morita was one of the four men on board the Japanese vessel. The other three have been taken into custody by the Russians. The incident took place near the island chain, the Russians call the Kurils, and the Japanese call the Northern Territories. The islands were seized from Japan by Soviet Union in the closing days of World War II, but have been under Russian control ever since but Japan still claims them. Foreign minister Taro Aso, after summoning Russian’s deputy ambassador, told the re- porters in Tokyo that killing of the Japanese fisherman was an outrageous act. Aso says he lodged a strong protest with the acting head of the Russian Embassy, Mikhail Galuzin. Galuzin told the reporters that at the Foreign Ministry that the vessel was apprehended in Russian waters, in accordance with Russian law.

选项 A、The islands belonged to Russia before World War Ⅱ.
B、The chain islands are under Japanese government’s control now.
C、The other three Japanese fishermen were set free.
D、The Japanese government and its people were enraged by the action of Russia government.


解析 此题是推断题,让考生由文中提供的信息推出相应正确的答案。选项a说这些群岛在二战前原本隶属于俄罗斯,而事实是二战后俄罗斯从日本手中夺过群岛的主权。知道了这个事实,也就不难推出,现在这些群岛仍然在俄方政府的管辖之下,选项b也就是错误的信息。选项c提到其他三名渔民获得释放,但文章很明显提到这三人仍被俄方扣押。由此可见,选项d是正确的,日本政府和人民都对俄方政府的做法感到愤怒。
