You are going to read a list of headings and a text. Choose the most suitable heading from the list[A]to[G]for each numbered par

admin2018-02-17  36

问题 You are going to read a list of headings and a text. Choose the most suitable heading from the list[A]to[G]for each numbered paragraph (41-45). There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
[A]Never say goodbye
[B]Open up channels of communication
[C]Weigh your options
[D]Surprise them
[F]Make sacrifices
[G]Plan get-togethers
We all hope that our friendships will be enduring and vibrant. We also hope that despite our differences in gender, interests and careers, we would stick together through the thick and thin of life. Here are five ways you can save your friendship despite the changes in both your lives:【R1】______
You will have to come to the point where you have to decide if this friendship is important enough to make sacrifices, this will be the only way you can commit to the revival and survival of your friendship. You will also have to make sure if your friend is in it for the long haul too, because it takes two to tango. If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal. It will be futile if you work on saving this friendship and he or she could not give two pennies worth about it. 【R2】______
Once you have decided that the two of you have climbed Mount Everest long enough together and that this friendship is without a doubt worth saving, then I suggest you have a heart-to-heart like there is no tomorrow. It is not impossible—it all depends on what you put in, both of you. It is fundamental that you put in the time and the effort; it is then that you will see this friendship flourish like never before. 【R3】______
Why not spend a fun weekend away? Just the two of you, a bottle of wine and the open road (just do not do the drinking and the driving at the same time). Be creative and make sure you make some remarkable new memories, especially the ones that extend the dorm room and hallway ones. You have grown up and moved along with your life, so should your memories. 【R4】______
There is nothing like finding a signed, sealed and delivered a package from your best friend at your front door. It brings a solid feeling of gratitude with the excitement and you know that this friendship is one that will endure all the storms, especially if the college friend lives abroad and had to pay a lot to get that package there at the right place and at the right time, for instance, your birthday. 【R5】______
Once you are faithful to each other, you will have no problem in saving the friendship and allowing it to be a success. It will entail you sacrificing some things in your life, but if the friendship is worth it, it will not be a problem. It is also important to remember that no relationship is perfect; you will most likely have some downs following the ups.



解析 朋友间的真诚、忠诚(faith)是友谊能否地久天长的关键。友情会随着人生一起起伏波动,never say goodbye也不现实。然而,只要相互理解体谅,朋友间的守望相助便是自然而然的事情。选项[E]Commitment“信义;承诺;忠诚”能最好概括此段大意。
