
admin2011-03-14  57

问题     美元的贬值使得许多外国投资者购买美国股票更加划算。这就引发了来自美国以外的投资者的抢购,特别是日本投资者的抢购。另外,如果贸易状况有所好转,美国公司的竞争力最终将会更加强大。因此,许多投资者购买以出口为导向的美国公司的股票,以期在明年获得更大的利润。但这只是当前的一种时髦理念。如果今后几个季度里美国公司的整体收益令人失望的话,那么,这种狂热的购买行为就会消失。


答案 The depreciation of U. S. dollar makes it more cost-effective for many foreign investors to buy American stocks. A buying spree is occuring among investors outside of the U. S; as a result, especially among Japanese investors. What’s more, many investors believe that if the state of trade takes a favorable turn, American corporations will become more competitive in time. So they purchase the shares in export-oriented American corporations in the hope of gaining more profit in the following year. But this feverish purchasing behavior may only be popular currently, for once the profit of American corporations as a whole turns out to be disappointing in the next few quarters, it will disappear accordingly.

