
admin2014-09-17  44

问题    我这个无可救药的中国丈夫喜欢吃中餐,更乐于挽袖下厨。从前在欧洲当留学生时我就喜欢在自己的蜗居里玩锅碗,弄瓢盆,演奏个人打击乐音乐会,并常常请一帮穷留学生分享我的杰作。不过妻子精于法式烹饪并且酷爱维持室内清洁。中国疱丁总是喜欢什么都油煎油爆,是一个大油耗子和大污染源,因此妻子根本不理会中国疱丁的一厢情愿并毫不留情地请其下岗。有一天,下岗厨师终于忍不住请妻子让贤:“亲爱的,今天我想做中国菜,做一桌川菜,让咱们一饱口福。你把厨房借给我好吗?”“没问题!不过油烟不要大大。”习惯于清水煮菜的夫人叮嘱道,显得有些兴奋,也有些担心。我这位厨师关好厨房门,然后就在里面兴高采烈丁零当啷地演奏起锅碗瓢分别打击乐并跳起了锅边舞。菜谱早在一周前就已经定好。很快浓烈的川菜香在房子里弥漫开来。我端出第一道香喷喷的“哆来咪发嗦”——几盘凉菜:撒满香菜的松花蛋、撒满辣椒面的凉拌猪耳朵丝、四川泡菜。“快来,亲爱的!”我得意洋洋地大叫。


答案 As a husband who remains irremediably Chinese, I enjoy eating Chinese food and in particular cooking Chinese food. Even as a student during my early days in Europe, I had enjoyed performing my "percussion concert" with pans, bowls, spoons and tubs in my tiny studio and used to invite a band of hard-up Chinese students to share my "masterpieces." However, my wife, good at French cooking and furthermore keen to keep a high standard of hygiene in our house, categorically dismissed my efforts as a Chinese chef, who stir-fried everything, and thus was a big consumer of oil and a big source of pollution. One day, however, the laid-off chef, could not help asking her to step down to make room for him: "My darling, today, I really want to prepare some Chinese food, a Sichuan specialty for us to feast upon. Could you please lend me the kitchen?" "No problem, but don’t make too much greasy dirt." My wife, used to cooking in pure water, was excited, hut a little bit worried. I shut the door and, as a cook, began to play happily and loudly, with the cooking utensils and dance around the oven. The menu was fixed one week earlier. Soon, the strong smell of Sichuan delicacies spread all ever the house and I appeared with the first course of savouries "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So"? several com dishes: a preserved egg dressed with coriander, pig’s ear covered in pepper, Sichuan style pickles. "Come on, Darling!" I proudly called out.

