We hear it a lot the news these days: "Recycle newspapers and save a tree. Collect bottles and cans so they can be reused in

admin2012-04-23  47

问题     We hear it a lot the news these days:
    "Recycle newspapers and save a tree. Collect bottles and cans so they can be reused in the manufacturing of new products. "
    Protecting our delicate environment seems to be on the agenda of politicians, government leaders, and citizens in many parts of the world to show support for mother nature. The concept of green consumerism has gained momentum more and more over the last decade, and the public feels moved to pitch in and help. However, three essential keys needed to power this movement include a more informed public, the development of improved technology, and a greater demand for recycled materials.
    Let’s use paper as an example. The first step is to raise public awareness about the recycling process, explain the kinds of materials that can be recycled, and provide ways on how to properly dispose of them. Local governments should educate the public on how to properly sort reusable materials from those, like waxed paper, carbon paper, plastic laminated material such as fast food wrappers, that can’t be recycled very easily. Then, a system of collecting these sorted materials needs to be established. Public interest might be there, but may soon wane if recycling centers located in convenient locations are not available. Sometimes we become complacent when it comes to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actually facts and figures that everyone can understand, people become more cognizant of the problem. I remember reading one time that the energy saved from one recycled can provide enough power to operate a television set for three hours.  Give the public information they can grasp in real terms, and then you will increase your chances of gaining followers.
    Second, technological progress has been made on many fronts, but governmental agencies need to step up their support for companies involved in recycling by providing tax incentives, low - cost loans, or even grants to upgrade equipment and to encourage further research. One breakthrough has been the development of a new manufacturing process that uses enzymes to help remove ink from paper in more energy efficient and environmentally safe methods. Recycling paper materials can be expensive in both monetary and environmental terms. The difficulty in removing print from paper, the amount of energy expended during the process, and caustic waste that is sometimes produced are costs that companies incur that are then passed onto the consumer.
    The final key is to increase demand for the growing surplus of resources waiting to be recycled. This problem has appeared in various regions of the world where the technology to process the used materials lags far behind the amount being collected for recycling. There may be a great outpouring of support; yet the great stumbling block to implementing the second stage of this plan could be thwarted by the corporate sector’s inability to find commercial enterprises interested in using recycled goods especially when the cost of exceeds those of virgin materials.
    Recycling is a crucial link protecting our planet. The three keys mentioned are important to achieving this end.
What would be the best title for this passage?

选项 A、Important Keys to Recycling Paper
B、Technological Advances Improve Recycling
C、Steps to Improving Recycling
D、Best Ways to Protect Our Environment


解析 此题考查对文章大意的理解,主要从文章的开头或结尾去找答案。最后一句“Recycling is a crucial link protecting our planet. The three keys mentioned are important to achieving this end.”说明本文主要是谈论废旧物(包括纸张在内)的循环利用过程中的三个主要措施,所以此题答案应该是提高循环利用效率的步骤(C),而不能仅局限于纸张的循环利用(A)。B项只是其中的一个步骤,D项范围太大,指祭个环境的最佳保护措施。
