考古发现(archcological findings)与史料证明,面条起源于中国。这种曾叫“汤饼”的主食已有四千多年的历史,广泛存在于中国人的生活中。面条是一种制作简单、食用方便、营养丰富的健康食品。由于地域差异,面条的制作方法也多种多样。面条粗细不同、

admin2022-07-23  81

问题 考古发现(archcological findings)与史料证明,面条起源于中国。这种曾叫“汤饼”的主食已有四千多年的历史,广泛存在于中国人的生活中。面条是一种制作简单、食用方便、营养丰富的健康食品。由于地域差异,面条的制作方法也多种多样。面条粗细不同、形状不一、花样繁多,如北京的炸酱面(Beijing noodles with soybeanpaste)、山西的刀削面(shanxi sliced noodles)等。中国人有过生日吃长寿(longevity)面的传统,人们借用长长的面条象征长寿。


答案Both archaeological findings and historical records prove that noodles originated in China. Once called "soup cake", noodles have widely existed in the life of Chinese people as staple food for over 4,000 years. Noodles are nutritious healthy food which are easy to make and convenient to eat. Because of regional differences, the methods of making noodles are various. With different thickness and different shapes, there appear various types of noodles, such as Beijing noodles with soybean paste and Shanxi sliced noodles. Chinese people have the tradition of eating longevity noodles on their birthdays. People use the long noodles to symbolize longevity.

