我对孤独有着切身体会:一人一室一狗,少有陪伴。许多朋友都搬到了其他城市,结婚生子过日子,有些也因生活变迁而失去了联系。我自认为是个独行侠,刚开始也很享受平和与安静;可接下来几个月,我发现自己常常感到孤独。 房间开始变得凌乱不堪、效率低下、情绪低落,

admin2016-09-27  48

问题     我对孤独有着切身体会:一人一室一狗,少有陪伴。许多朋友都搬到了其他城市,结婚生子过日子,有些也因生活变迁而失去了联系。我自认为是个独行侠,刚开始也很享受平和与安静;可接下来几个月,我发现自己常常感到孤独。
    觉得自己的世界毫无美好可言?那你肯定没用心发掘。当你独自蜗居在家、感到心情抑郁时,何不出门多接触大自然?看小鸟掠过天空,感叹它们高超的飞翔技术;听邻里狗儿相互吠叫,猜测“这些家伙都在讨论啥?”(347 words)


答案I have a deep feeling about the loneliness: I live in an apartment without anyone but a dog. Many friends have moved to other cities, got married and had a family. And others have lost contact because of changing life. At first, I regarded myself as a loner and enjoyed peace and quietness. But, it was only after a few months did I often feel lonely. My room began to be in a mess, and I was inefficient on my work and was in depression. Nothing can a-rouse my interest apart from seeing films on Netflix. After living in a haze of sloth a few months, I felt that I had a problem and decided to live a happy life even alone. Since you are alone, it’s easy to lose interest in tidying up the room. If you are not careful, you will find a great pile of plates as well as mountains of clutter. You should make some cleaning at least once a week even though few roommates or friends dropped in. If you don’t see beauty in the world, you are not paying careful observation. If you are alone at home and feel depressed, just go out and have a close contact with nature. You can watch the birds fly and admire their excellent flying skill. You can listen to neighbors’ dogs barking at each other making a guess at "what on earth are they talking about?"

