
admin2022-07-28  130

问题 除夕可谓中国传统节日中最重要的节日。它是指农历年的最后一天晚上,即农历新年的前夕。除夕,从字面上来看,就是“辞旧迎新”之意,象征着旧的一年即将终结和新的一年即将开始。除夕是举家团圆之夜,即使出门在外,身在他乡,千里迢迢,人们也要赶回家和亲人团聚。这一天,挂起灯笼的房子不但要打扫得干干净净,人们还要贴门神(door—god) 、春联(spring couplet和年画,夜里十二点还要放爆竹以示庆祝。除夕之夜,人们往往通宵不眠,叫做“守岁(staying-up) ”;大家欢聚酣饮,共享天伦之乐(happiness of a family reunion)。


答案New Year’s Eve can be called the most important festival among traditional Chinese festivals. It refers to the night of the last day in a lunar year, that is, New Year’s Eve of a lunar new year. New Year’s Eve, in the literal sense in Chinese, means seeing off the old year and ushering in a new year. It symbolizes the end of the old year and the beginning of a new year. New Year’s Eve is a night for the reunion of the whole family. People will rush thousands of miles home for the family reunion even if they are far away from home, in alien land. On New Year’s Eve, the house with lanterns hung out is thoroughly cleaned and its doors are decorated with door-gods, spring couplets and New Year paintings. Firecrackers are also set off at twelve o’clock on the night for celebration. On New Year’s Eve, people often stay up all night, which is known as "staying-up", gather for drinking and share the happiness of a family reunion.

