四月里,南方的天气很好,用了半个小时的时间,我分别写了五件事情,我希望它们五个慢慢悠悠地向着北走,用老年人喝下一杯浓茶的那种速度。类似坐着40年代的有轨电车,在黄昏里环绕城市。 古人还有紧急到火烧眉毛的事情,用快马轮换着送信,沿途的驿站散发着马鼻子里

admin2010-07-19  36

问题     四月里,南方的天气很好,用了半个小时的时间,我分别写了五件事情,我希望它们五个慢慢悠悠地向着北走,用老年人喝下一杯浓茶的那种速度。类似坐着40年代的有轨电车,在黄昏里环绕城市。


答案 People in ancient times had to send extremely urgent letters by way of riding ’horses and changing them at courier stations which were filled with the horses’ winded breath. Nowadays some things do not need to be rushed---for instance, an inconsequential message to five people that can be enclosed in envelopes, put in canvas bags and raleased slowly. Sometimes I see a person answering two calls at the same time. Such overstated business overwhelms me. The busiest person cannot read two letters at once. Just one line in a letter will consume the reader’s attention. When one reads a letter, he or she must concentrate. This is where the nobility of letters lies.

