
admin2021-08-20  33

问题     北京的胡同大多形成于13世纪的元朝,至今已有几百年的历史。北京胡同的走向多为正东正西,宽度一般不超过九米。胡同文化是一种封闭的文化。住在胡同里的居民安土重迁,不大愿意搬家。胡同里有一住几十年的,甚至有住了几辈子的。胡同里的房屋大多很旧了,旧房(purlin),断砖墙。下雨天常是外面大下,屋里小下。一到下大雨,总可以听到房塌的声音,那是胡同里的房子。但人们舍不得“挪窝儿”,因为“破家值万贯”。


答案  Beijing hutongs, mostly originating from the Yuan dynasty in the 13th century, date back hundreds of years. Most of the Beijing hutongs run due east and west with their width being no more than nine meters. Hutong culture is a kind of exclusive culture. The residents are so attached to their hutongs that they are unwilling to move out. Some of them have been living in the hutongs for several decades, and some even for a few generations. Most houses in the hutongs are very archaic, with old house purlins and broken brick walls. The roof leaks whenever it rains. When it rains heavily, people can always hear the sound of houses collapsing in hutongs. But people are reluctant to move, because a home of our own is priceless.

