The university library has recently adjusted their operating hours. Read the library’s announcement about the adjustment. You wi

admin2013-04-25  48

    The university library has recently adjusted their operating hours. Read the library’s announcement about the adjustment. You will have 45 seconds to read the announcement.
    Begin reading now.
    Reading Time: 45 seconds
                Adjustment to the Opening Hours
    The library has made an adjustment to the operating hours and the new timetable will take effect on March 1, 2006. According to the new timetable, the reading rooms will still be open seven days a week, from 8:00 to 22: 00 on Monday to Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday, the former opening hours from 9:00 to 21:00 will be changed to 9: 00 to 22:00 with a one-hour break at noon (12:00 ~ 13: 00), during which the rooms will not be available for readers. The time for borrowing and returning books will remain unchanged.
    The flow of energy through life is not an endless cycle. The energy doesn’t go round and round getting used over and over again and never fading out. Its passage through the food chain can better be described as in and out. As energy moves up the food chain, there is less and less of it to go around.
    Most of the solar energy that falls on the earth is not used by plants. It bounces back to space or heats the air, oceans and ground, and makes the weather. So we should say the plants only get a little bit of the solar energy that hits the earth; and then the herbivores only get a portion of the energy that hits the plants; and still further on the carnivores and decomposers only get a fraction of the energy that was eaten by the herbivores. As a result, at the end of the chain there isn’t much of that original solar energy left. So we can see why we need sunshine everyday and new plants must keep growing. Otherwise, the whole system would quickly run out of energy and everything alive would come to a "dead" stop.


答案The man shows a negative attitude toward the adjustment to the opening hours of the reading rooms in the library. The total opening hours of the reading rooms are unchanged,but there will be a one-hour break at noon, so he feels unsatisfied with this adjustment and would rather it hadn’t been changed. The reason is that he thinks the break at noon will cause much inconvenience to the readers because many readers, including himself, usually spend a whole day in the reading rooms and don’t like to leave the rooms for lunch or rest at noon. If there’s a break, such readers will have to leave the rooms and find a place for a good stay or rest during the break. That is very inconvenient for them.

