健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。提高人民健康水平,实现病有所医的理想,是人类社会的共同追求。在中国这个有着13亿多人口的发展中大国,医疗卫生关系亿万人民健康,是一个重大民生问题。 中国高度重视保护和增进人民健康。宪法规定,国家发展医疗卫生事业,发

admin2019-09-11  42

问题     健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。提高人民健康水平,实现病有所医的理想,是人类社会的共同追求。在中国这个有着13亿多人口的发展中大国,医疗卫生关系亿万人民健康,是一个重大民生问题。


答案 Good health is a precondition for promoting all-round development of a person. And it is a common pursuit of the human society to improve people’s health and ensure their right to medical care. For China, a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, health care is a major issue to the well-being of its people. China has always attached great importance to protecting and improving its people’s health. As is stipulated in the Constitution, the state promotes health care services, modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for better public health protection. Over the years, China has worked hard to develop health care services in accordance with the policy of "focusing on rural areas, putting disease prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, relying on science, technology and education, and mobilizing the whole society to improve the people’s health and serve the socialist modernization". After years of unremitting efforts, we have basically built up a health care system covering both urban and rural residents, enhanced the capability of disease prevention and treatment, and made significant progress in the extension of health insurance coverage and medical technology as well. All these achievements guaranteed a remarkable improvement in people’s health. With the acceleration of China’s industrialization and urbanization and of the ageing of China’s population, the residents are now confronted with the dual threats of infectious and chronic diseases, and thus better medical and health services are needed to meet people’s ever-growing demand. Meanwhile, there are still problems to be solved concerning medical resources, in particular, the shortage of high quality medical resources and their unbalanced distribution. Hence, the challenge in reform and development of Chinese medical services still remain.

解析 1.健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。提高人民健康水平,实现病有所医的理想,是人类社会的共同追求。Good health is a precondition for promoting all—round development of a person.And it is a common pursuit of the human society to improve people’s health and ensure their right to medical care.
  分析    语言措辞类
  本文语言措辞具有典型的政治文献报告特点。对于此类文本,尤其是其中的四字短语需牢记强记多记,比如:全面发展可译为all-around growth/development,comprehensive development,develop in all respects/in an all around way;必然要求可译为prerequisite for,indispensable for,necessary,essential to,call for;病有所依可译为people with disease have access to health/medical treatment;共同追求可译为a common goal,a common pursuit,a goal pursued by the whole society;等等。同时,为体现前后句的顺承关系,第二句开头可使用连词and引起下文。而对于“提高人民健康水平,实现病有所医的理想”两个并列成分,除采用it作形式主语外,还可使用动名词词组或不定式作并列主语,比如:To improve people’s health and ensure their right to medical care,is the common pursuit of the human society.
2.在中国这个有着13亿多人口的发展中大国,医疗卫生关系亿万人民健康,是一个重大民生问题。For China,a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion,health care is a major issue to the well-being of its people.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句的翻译重点是要理清句子中的主谓结构,“在中国这个有着13亿多人口的发展中大国”是状语成分,主语则是“医疗卫生……”,而“关系……”和“是一个……”则可视作其并列的谓语成分。考虑到“亿万人民健康”中的“亿万”与“13亿人口”意义重叠,而“人民健康”亦属于“民生问题”范畴,因此翻译时可采取合并译法和减译法,将重叠信息合并处理。比如,“人民健康”和“民生问题”合并和减译为well-being一个词,该词含有“安康福祉、身心健康”之意,符合上下文语境。在很多场合,人们也会用livelihood,但该词偏重于表达“满足基本生存需要的生计问题”,维基百科将其定义为:means of securing the necessities of life,其缺少“健康”这一主要信息。
3.宪法规定,国家发展医疗卫生事业,发展现代医药和传统医药,保护人民健康。As is stipulated in the Constitution,the state promotes health care services,modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for better public health protection.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句中,考虑到语体风格和语境效果,“宪法规定”可采取语态转换的译法,译成由as引导的从句,as在从句中作主语,其谓语使用被动语态,这样既可以强调as具体指代的内容,又能满足英语形合的结构严密性。此处as引导的是定语从句,其充当关系代词,解释说明后句中宪法规定的具体内容,相当于“正如”。另外,通过分析上下文,“保护人民健康”实际上是两个“发展”的终极目的,因此可将汉语原句中的动宾结构译成介宾短语for better public health protection,可使英语行文更加自然流畅。
4.多年来,中国坚持“以农村为重点,预防为主,中西医并重,依靠科技与教育,动员全社会参与,为人民健康服务,为社会主义现代化建设服务”的卫生工作方针,努力发展医疗卫生事业。Over the years,China has worked hard to develop health care services in accordance with the policy of“focusing on rural areas,putting disease prevention first,supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine,relying on science,technology and education,and mobilizing the whole society to improve the people’s health and serve the socialist modernization.”
  分析  句子结构类
  本句汉语原文很长,翻译时应先确定句子主干部分,即“中国坚持……卫生工作方针”和“努力发展医疗卫生事业”。但由于“坚持方针”和“努力发展”在语义上有包含和重叠的关系,而且“坚持”后面的语句过长,因此,翻译时可采取合并译法和换序译法,先将“坚持”和“努力发展”合并译为has worked hard to develop,然后将“方针”的具体内容调整语序后置翻译。这样既能保证语义明了,结构清晰,还可将“方针”长长的定语部分,借由多个并列的动名词短语完整有序地表述出来,符合英语句子前重心,而汉语句子后重心的特点和翻译策略。另外,根据上下文可判知,“为人民健康服务,为社会主义现代化建设服务”是“动员全社会参与”的最终目的,因此可采取合并译法,用两个并列不定式短语,将原句中的两个汉语分句合并在一句之中,使译文行文更加流畅,结构逻辑更为严谨。
5.经过我们不懈努力,覆盖城乡的医疗卫生服务体系基本形成,疾病防治能力不断增强,医疗保障覆盖人口逐步扩大,卫生科技水平日益提高,居民健康水平明显改善。After years of unremitting efforts,we have basically built up a health care system covering both urban and rural residents,enhanced the capability of disease prevention and treatment,and made significant progress in the extension of health insurance coverage and medical technology as well.All these achievements guaranteed a remarkable improvement in people’s health.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句结构比较清晰,可采取换序译法,按照英文行文惯例将状语中的“我们”调整到后面,作为逻辑主语引领全句,然后几个分句可译成并列结构。另外,根据上下文,最后一句是前述所有努力的结果,可单列出来翻译,并采取增译法,用all these achievements代指和重复前述内容,以明确句子间的逻辑关系。但是,需要指出的是,汉语重人称,英语重物称,物称表达法是英语中常见的有效表达手段,因此该句也可转换语态译成:A health care network coveting both urban and rural residents has taken shape,our capabilities of disease prevention and control have been enhanced,our medical insurance coverage has extended,and medical science and technology has been improved constantly.表面上看,该译法似乎在照搬汉语原文语序,实际上却是英文被动语态的句子结构,其叙述客观合理,结构趋于严密,且语气委婉,因此也不失为一种有效的翻译策略,类似例子还有:
  Sleep did not visit me although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle.
  My total ignorance of the book must plead my apology.
6.随着中国工业化、城市化进程和人口老龄化趋势的加快,居民健康面临传染病和慢性病的双重威胁,公众对医疗卫生服务的需求日益提高。With the acceleration of China’s industrialization and urbanization and of the ageing of China’s population,the residents are now confronted with the dual threats of infectious and chronic diseases,and thus better medical and health services are needed to meet people’s ever-growing demand.
  分析  语言措辞类
  本句中,各分句间的逻辑关系一目了然,重点要注意几个关键词语的表达,比如:“老龄化”用the ageing of China’s population,以呼应acceleration以及另外两个进程的发展过程;“双重威胁”用dual threats而不是double threats,表示既受到“传染病”的威胁,又可能受到“慢性病”的威胁。
7.与此同时,中国卫生资源特别是优质资源短缺、分布不均衡的矛盾依然存在,医疗卫生事业改革与发展的任务十分艰巨。Meanwhile,there are still problems to be solved concerning medical resources,in particular,the shortage of high quality medical resources and their unbalanced distribution.Hence,the challenge in reform and development of Chinese medical services still remain.
  分析  句子结构类、语言措辞类
本句中,“矛盾”的定语部分过长,可采取换序译法,将中心词“矛盾”先翻译出来,然后再翻译具体的矛盾所在,这样处理符合英语句子语义重心常常在前,而汉语句子语义重心则一般在后的特点。另外,翻译时不能望文生义,将“矛盾”译为contradiction,因为此处“矛盾”指的是医疗资源方面存在的两个突出“问题”——“优质资源短缺”和“分布不均”,两者并非对立,因此用problem更符合具体语境的主旨。类似的例子还有“内心很矛盾”中的“矛盾”,根据上下文语境常转译成名词短语inner struggle或mental conflict,也可以译成形容词。如:He is uncertain about which major to choose.他内心很矛盾,不知道选哪个专业好。
