
admin2014-06-02  48

问题   有些男人还在怀念昔日以男子为中心的年代。那时,他们下了班回家,热腾腾的晚餐巳摆好在桌上,妻子儿女围上来问寒问暖;家中大事小事多由自己作主,因为男人作为一家之主承担了全家经济生活的来源。妇女走出家门就业后,男人的供养职责相对减小,在家庭的地位也变得不像从前那么举足轻重了。夫妻双方都有职业,在社会服务并不发达的中国,繁重的家务事自然应落在夫妻二人身上。


答案Some men still miss the good old days when man was the center of the family. At that time when the husband came home from work, a steaming hot meal was on the gable and his wife and children all came to greet him and asked after his health with deep concern. Everything in the family, big or small, was decided by the husband, because he held the purse strings. After women began to take jobs in society, men’s responsibility for family support was reduced and their status in the family was no longer so dominant. With husband and wife both working and social service not so developed in China, household tasks should reasonably be shared.

解析   “问寒问暖”常泽为ask after somebody’s health with deep concern,也可用enquire with concern about somebody’s well-being。
  “大事小事”翻译为后置定语big or small,贴切原文。
  从上下文理解,“承担了全家经济生活的来源”意思是掌握着家庭的经济大权,所以翻译为bold the purse strings。
  “走出家门就业”指外出求职,到社会上工作,故译为take jobs in society。
