
admin2021-01-08  74

问题     近年来,中国越来越多的博物馆免费向公众开放。博物馆展览次数和参观人数都明显增长。在一些广受欢迎的博物馆门前,排长队已很常见。这些博物馆必须采取措施限制参观人数。如今,展览形式越来越多样。一些大型博物馆利用多媒体和虚拟现实等先进技术,使展览更具吸射力。不少博物馆还举办在线展览,人们可在网上观赏珍稀展品。然而,现场观看展品的体验对大多数参观者还是更具吸引力。


答案 In recent years, more and more museums in China have been opened to the public for free. As a result, the number of museum exhibitions and visitors has increased significantly. Queuing up in front of some popular museums is very common, and these museums must take measures to restrict the number of visitors. Today, the form of exhibitions is becoming much more diverse. Some large museums adopt advanced technologies such as multimedia and virtual reality (VR) technique to make their exhibitions more attractive. Quite a few museums also hold online exhibitions so that people could appreciate rare exhibits on the Internet. However, the experience of viewing exhibits on site is still more attractive to most visitors.

解析 1.第一句和第二句:第一句介绍中国博物馆免费开放,第二句介绍展览次数和观展人数的增加,两句话之间存在一定的因果关系,因此翻译时可增译表示结果的“as a result”来连接两个句子,以反映英语形合的特点,使上下文连接更紧密。注意积累表达,“免费开放”可译为“open for free”或者“open free of charge”,“明显增长”可译为“increase significantly”或者“rise remarkably”。
2.第三句和第四句:第三句介绍广受欢迎的博物馆门前排长队的情况,可用“排长队”作主语,直接译为“queuing up”。第四句介绍受欢迎的博物馆必须采取措施限制游客数量,与上一句联系紧密,因此选择用并列连词“and”连接两句话。“采取措施”可译为“take measures”,“限制人数”可译为“restrict/limit the number of visitors”。
4.第六句:本句介绍一些博物馆采用先进技术吸引游客,直译即可。“使展览更具吸引力”可理解为目的状语,用不定式表达。注意积累表达,“多媒体”译为“multimedia”,“虚拟现实”译为“virtual reality”,即“VR”。
5.第七句:本句介绍博物馆举办的在线展览,两个小短句之间有明显的因果关系,因此用“so that”连接,使逻辑更清晰,符合英语形合的特点。“举办在线展览”可译为“hold online exhibitions”,“观赏珍稀展品”可译为“appreciate rare exhibits”。
6.第八句:本句介绍现场观展的优势,有转折词,直译即可。鉴于句子主语较长,在翻译时也可以用“it”作形式主语,即“It is still more attractive for most visitors to see the exhibits on the scene.”。
