Today, some 30% of small business owners don’t have a Web presence at all, while the vast majority who do are watching their sit

admin2017-12-11  40

问题    Today, some 30% of small business owners don’t have a Web presence at all, while the vast majority who do are watching their sites sit stale, waiting and wanting for business. Where did things go wrong? There are common principles followed by those whose dreams of online success have become reality.
   (1)Build your site around your customer:
   Thinking of your site as your online storefront, built around delivering the highest-quality customer experience from the moment your customer steps through the "door".
   (2)Just because you built it doesn’ t mean they’ 11 come:
   If you aren’ t seeing a large volume of targeted traffic to your site, it’ s time to up the ante.
   (3)Integrate customer loyalty programs and promotions:
   Methods contain discounts, news, or friendly service reminders. Use discount promotional offers to stay in touch with past visitors to your site.
   (4)Justify your monthly spending through product bundling:
   While pay-per-click Internet advertising is much more cost-effective than traditional media channels, bundling products together will not only increase your sales revenue, but also enable you to get more out of your per-click ad rates.
   (5)Measure your progress:
   Your site may be live, but how is it performing?
   Armed with these simple lessons, vow to make your business realize the true promise of the Internet.
   [A]A manufacturing company selling $50 items was having trouble justifying the cost of online keyword ads. By bundling products to create packages of $100 or more and advertising to wholesale customers looking to buy in bulk, the manufacturer dropped its sales representative agencies and focused on large-volume buyers, such as Wal-Mart and Target. Needless to say, the company had no trouble exceeding its yearly sales quota.
   [B]One of my past clients had a well-designed physical storefront, solid prices, and quality offerings. However, he wasn’t able to drive enough store traffic despite targeted advertising efforts in print publications and other offline venues. We decided to shift those ad dollars to an online pay-per-click campaign—in which the advertiser pays whenever someone clicks on its entry posted during the course of a site search based on keywords relevant to his business. The immediate impact was staggering. Online revenue soared tenfold to $1 million from $100,000 within only a few months.
   [C]With today’s technology, your return can be easily measured. If you rely on your Web site as a sales tool, you can’t afford not to invest in site analytics. Make sure your Web solution includes an easy-to-use reporting tool that presents this information in a clear, concise format. After all, while metrics are a critical part of the Web equation, you don’t have the time to spend hours digging through reams of data.
   [D]Years ago, I worked with a woman who sold purses online through a home-built site that lacked critical e -commerce components. After a simple redesign including product descriptions, comprehensive navigation, and a secure, user-friendly ordering system, her revenue increased fivefold. And she began receiving rave reviews from customers impressed with the ease and convenience of the online shopping experience.
   [E]Online success demands more than simple presence. Your Internet investment should pay for itself with new customers and increased sales. Find a trusted partner who can help you navigate today’ s(and tomorrow’s)technology and who understands the bottom-line realities of your business.
   [F]One villa rental company had a Web site that generated very few calls and online bookings. I helped the company set up a "last minute deals" distribution list. By subscribing, site visitors would receive weekly e-mails offering 11th-hour discounts on villa rentals. As a result, the company captured contact information for thousands of possible customers, reduced its unused inventory to almost zero, and increased revenue significantly.



解析 浏览全文不难发现,五个概括句都是对几条商务原则的简要概述。然后概括各选项大意, A:一个制造公司通过搁绑销售和将网上广告销售对象确定为批发商,从而提高了销售额。B:我 的一个客户虽然拥有各种优势条件,却仍不能招徕大量顾客,因此我帮他将网下广告的经费转 移到网络销售上,结果,公司收入暴涨。C:如果依赖网站作为销售工具,就必须进行网站分析,因 此确保你的网站建设方案中有一套方便使用的报告工具。D:通过给一位女士的网上钱包销售中 增加关键的电子商务元素,使她的收入大幅增加,她也因给顾客带来舒适便捷的购物体验而受 到好评。E:仅有网络还不能保证在线销售的成功。还应找到一位合伙人,帮助你驾驭技术并了解 你生意的底线。F:通过帮助一家别墅租赁公司建立“最后时限打折”分配表,使它赢得了潜在客 户,使空房率几乎为零,从而增加了收入。此处概括句是“以客户为中心建立网站”。接下来的论 述是对这一概括句的解释:应该把网站看作是在线的店面,从顾客踏入店门的那一刻起就传递 给他们一种最优质的顾客体验。而D项中明确指出,该女士的在线销售因给顾客带来舒适便捷 的购物体验而受到好评,因此与概括句照应。
