下面是某初中课堂实录的教学片段。 片段1: T: Hello, boys and girls. Before the class, I want to show you some pictures. Do you know where it is? Ss:

admin2017-03-25  58

问题 下面是某初中课堂实录的教学片段。
T: Hello, boys and girls. Before the class, I want to show you some pictures. Do you know where it is?
Ss: Tangshan and San Francisco.
T: Very good, but can you imagine what might happen if there has been a big earthquake? Talk with your partners, please.
Ss: ...
T: Now, look at these pictures. It is about Tangshan after the earthquake.
Ss: It’s terrible ...
Ss: It’s scary ...
T: OK, today we will learn something about earthquake. Now turn to the page ...
T: Hello everyone, how are you today?
Ss: I’m very happy.
T: Very good, before the class, I want to let you watch a short video, and after that, you should answer my questions, are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK.(The teacher plays the video.)Now, pay attention to my questions. The first one is what can you see in the video?
Ss: People, animals, trees, flowers and cars ...
T: Then how many cars are there?
Ss: 5 cars.
T: Great, what’ s the color of them?
Ss: ...
T: OK, it is our new topic today. What’s the color of it? Now turn to the page ...


答案(1)片段1和片段2呈现的是教学过程中的导入环节。 (2)片段1使用了图片导入法。通过展示唐山大地震前、后的样子引发学生的思考,进而导入“地震”这个话题。 片段2使用了问题导入法。通过教师一步一步地设置从简单到复杂的问题,最后引入到了What’s thecolor of it?的主题。 (3)图片导入法的优点是学生可以直观地了解本节课要讨论的话题,图片能够吸引学生的注意力,同时也能调动学生加入讨论的积极性,提高学习效率。采用图片进行导入时需要注意图片不能喧宾夺主,不能占用太长的时间,否则学生容易只关注图片的趣味性,而忽略了本节课的重点知识。 问题导入法的优点是可以建立良好的师生互动关系,同时教师可以及时了解学生是否跟得上课堂节奏。而教师由浅入深的提问也容易帮助学生建立学习英语的自信心。采用问题进行导入时需要注意问题的难度要适中,不是以难住学生为目的,更多的是回顾以前学过的知识,并建立起新旧知识之间的联系。提问的难度最好是由简到繁,这比较符合学生的思维水平、认知特点以及知识储备。

