
admin2017-11-20  83

问题     中国和土库曼斯坦分别是世界重要能源消费国和重要能源生产国。中方愿同土方继续本着平等互利、合作共赢的原则,扩大现有管道建设和天然气贸易,启动勘探、开采、油气化工等全方位合作,做长期、稳定、可靠的能源战略伙伴。两国成功实施了天然气贸易、中国一中亚天然气管道建设等重大合作项目。目前,中国一中亚天然气管道已经同中国境内的西气东输二线相连接,成为当今世界最长的天然气管道。产自中亚腹地土库曼斯坦的天然气跨越千山万水,行程8 000多公里直抵太平洋沿岸,这是世界能源合作的典范和中土人民友谊的结晶。


答案 China and Turkmenistan are the world’s major energy consuming countries and major energy producers. China is willing to work with Turkmenistan under the principle of equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win, expanding the existing natural gas pipeline construction and trade, starting all-round cooperation such as the exploration and mining, oil and gas chemical industry and being strategic energy partners with long-term, stable and reliable goal. The two countries have successfully implemented major projects such as natural gas trade and China-Central Asia gas pipeline construction. At present, China-Central-Asia gas pipeline has been in connection with China’s West-East natural gas transmission line, becoming the world’s longest natural gas pipeline. The natural gas which comes from the central hinterland of Turkmenistan has a span of more than 8 thousand km reaching the coast of the Pacific Ocean. This sets up a good example for world energy cooperation and can be regarded as a sign of China-Turkmenistan friendship.

