The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a

admin2009-04-27  40

问题 The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G. Some of the paragraphs have been placed for you. (10 points)

A. Why is foreign text "rendered meaningless" when passed through an online translation tool? According to Sabine Reul, who runs a Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited uses, and problems arise when web users expect too much from them. "A translation tool works for some things," says Reul. "Say a British company wants to order a box of screws from a German supplier. A sentence like We need one box of a certain type of screw’ is something that a machine could translate reasonably accurately—though primitively."
B. Yet when it comes to translating blocks of text-words and sentences that convey thoughts and sentiments, online tools are bound to fail, she adds. "Beyond simple sentences, the online process simply doesn’t work because machines don’t understand grammar and semantics, never mind idiom and style." "Language is not a system of signs in the mechanical sense of the word", says Reul. "It is a living medium that is used to convey thought. And that is where machines fail. Human input is indispensable as long as computers cannot think." Reul and other translators look forward to the day when clever computers might help to ease their workload—but that time has not arrived yet.
C. Earlier this month the small German town of Homberg-an-der-Efze, north of Frankfurt, had to pulp an entire print run of its English-language tourism brochure after officials used an Internet translating tool to translate the German text. According to one report, the brochure was "rendered meaningless" by the online tool. Martin Wagner, mayor of Homberg-an-der-Efze, admits that the town made a "blunder". As a result of officials trying to save money by getting the Internet to do a translator’s job, a total of 7500 brochures had to be binned.
D. It would be nice if computers could do the job. And certainly the quest for machine translation has prompted a lot of linguistic research that may prove valuable in unforeseen ways. But experience to date confirms that even the most subtle computer program doesn’t think and you need to be able to think in order to translate."
E. This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online. There are many instant translation tools on the web, but they are best used for individual words and short phrases, rather than for brochures, books or anything complex. For example, one of the joys of the web is that it grants you access to an array of foreign news sources. Yet if you were to use a translation tool to try to make sense of such reports, you could end up with a rather skewed and surreal view of the world.
F. Until the dawn of thinking computers, online translation tools are best reserved for words, basic sentences and useful holiday phrase. For tourism brochures, newspaper reports and the rest, you will have to rely on some old-fashioned "human input".
G. Relying on online translation tools can be a risky business, especially if you expect too much of it. For the time being, might translation be something best left to the humans?

Order: G is the 1st paragraph, and F is the last.



解析     排列整个文章的顺序,一定要结合文章中具体的语境来考虑、分析。这类题都给出了第一段和最后一段的位置。考生要先通看一遍文章,弄清楚文章的大概意思和思路。然后结合已给出的开头和结尾,揣摩其他段落的开头或结尾的信息词,如连接词however,but,and,yet,although等,代词this,that,it, they,we,段落之间有重复出现的名词等。排序中常用的方法有:从开头着手向下顺,从结尾着手往前排,或者如果排完序依然拿不准,还可列出其他可能性,再根据新排出的顺序重读文章,看哪个顺序更符合原文中的逻辑顺序和作者的观点。
    已给出的开头是G,开门见山地提出了本文的主题online translation tools,并提出了问题"翻译工作最好还是由人类来做吗?";再看结尾F,得出了对online translation tools的评价,即"可用它来翻译简单的单词、词组,而相对复杂的段落及文章还是请人来译吧"。注意结尾中提到了tourism brochures,而备选段落中的确出现了该词组,就在C中,该段讲了一个事例,德国某小镇的官员用网络翻译工具译了一批英文版的旅游手册,结果是作废这些令人费解的册子。所有的段落中,只有E段是记叙了一件事。再看到E的开头就说的是this story。所以先判断C和E的顺序。考生还应注意到C中提到了the brochure was" rendered meaningless" by the online tool。那么就在A的开头就点明了这个问题,并给出了解释。A中给出解释的是一个叫Reul的学者,现在只有B中接着提到了Reul的观点。最后就是D。D从前面的段落中得出了"最精确的电脑程序也无法思考,翻译工作仍需要人去思考"。当找到段与段之前的内在联系时,这种排序题是很容易做的。
