The evidence as to the vastness of the universe and the complexity of its arrangements continues to grow at an amazing rate. 【61

admin2010-06-30  24

问题      The evidence as to the vastness of the universe and the complexity of its arrangements continues to grow at an amazing rate. 【61】 The gap between what we know and all that can be known seems not to diminish, but rather to increase with every new discovery. Fresh unexplored regions are for ever opening out.
     【62】 The rapidity of the increase of scientific knowledge in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is apt to give students and teachers the impression that no sooner is a problem stated than the answer is forthcoming. A more detailed study of the history of science corrects the impression that fundamental discoveries are made with dramatic suddenness. Even in our present age no less than fifty years separate the discovery to radioactivity from the explosion of the first atomic bomb. Much of the fundamental information which now enables us to control the disease was known a century ago. 【63】 The teacher, giving his brief accounts of scientific discovery, is apt to forget the long periods of misunderstanding, of false hypotheses and general uncertainty which almost invariably precede the clear statement of scientific truth.
     There are countries in which unnecessary poverty prevails because the people as a whole are unaware of methods whereby it can he relieved. There are wide stretches of land, abandoned or never cultivated, which could support a thriving community if full use were made of the knowledge and skill of scientists. There are innumerable people suffering from disease which can be cured, and from which, by following simple scientific rules of hygiene, they need never again suffer. 【64】 These are vast storehouses of natural power, such as the wind, water falls and the heat of the sun, which science can show how to harness for the relief of human hard labor and for raising the standard of living. 【65】 But the difficulties in the way of effecting a change for the better are not less enormous and are often over-looked. The full benefits of science can only be gained with the cooperation of the people in need of assistance.That cooperation is regrettably ineffective unless the people also have some understanding of the means used. It is all too easy for the ignorant to believe that fifty doses of medicine, taken at once, will produce a cure fifty times as fast as a single does taken on fifty successive occasions. Farm machinery, broken down and neglected for lack of skilled mechanics, can be a source of loss rather than of profit. The finest seed, sown at the wrong time or under the wrong conditions, may have a disappointing yield. If the methods recommended by the scientists are applied by those who have some knowledge of science, then great benefit can follow. But if that under standing cooperation is lacking, frustration is added to poverty.
这是一个“主+系+表”的简单句。主语是the difficulties,主语后面的in te way of...词组作定语说明difficulties,即:在哪方面的困难。in the way  of effec ting a change for the better在通向使情况好转的道路上。difficulties后面的定语要翻译为前置定语,使译文更加贴切,紧凑。



