
admin2011-01-02  34

问题     我轻轻地扣着板门,刚才那个小姑娘出来开了门,抬头看了我,先愣了一下,后来就微笑了,招手叫我进去。这屋予很小很黑,靠墙的铺板上,她的妈妈闭着眼平躺着,大约是睡着了,被头上有斑斑的血痕,她的脸向里侧着,只看见她脸上的乱发,和脑后的一个大髫。门边一个小炭炉,上面放着一个小沙锅,微微地冒着热气。这小姑娘把炉前的小凳子让给我坐了。她自己也蹲在我旁边,不住地打量我。我轻轻地问:“大夫来过吗?”她说:“来过了,给妈妈打了一针……她现在很好。”她又像安慰我似地说:“你放心,大夫明早还要来的。”我问:“她吃过东西吗?这锅里是什么?”她笑着说:“红薯稀饭——我们的年夜饭。”我想起了我带来的桔子,就拿出来放在床边的小矮桌上,她没作声,只伸手拿过一个最大的桔子来,用小刀削去上面的一层皮,又用两只手把底下的一大半轻轻地揉捏着。


答案 I knocked softly on the wooden door. The young girl I had met just now answered. Seeing me, she was a little taken aback at first, but soon began to smile and beckoned me in. On the plank bed against the wall her mother was lying on her back, her eyes closed. She must have gone to sleep. There were blood stains scattered on the bedclothes round her neck. Her face was turned to the wall, and I could only see tangled wisps of hair across her face and the coil at the back of her head. There was a small charcoal stove by the door, and on it a small, simmering casserole. The girl made me sit down on the fool-stool in front of the stove, she herself squatting beside me, sizing me up. I asked her in a whisper. "Has the doctor been...?" "Yes, she gave Mum an injection... She’s quite OK now." Then she added, as if to console me, "Don’t worry. The doctor will come again in the morning." "Has your Mum eaten anything? What’s in here?" I asked, pointing to the casserole. She smiled, and replied, "It’s yam porridge, our New Year’s Eve dinner. I suddenly remembered the oranges I had brought with me. I took them out and put them on the bedside table. The girl said nothing, just quietly reached her hand out for the biggest one. She cut the peel off the top with a knife, and deftly peeled the rest of the orange with her fingers.

