A、Going to the country for a vacation makes no sense at all. B、Renting a vacation house in the country is cheap. C、People can en

admin2019-04-29  35

M: Grace, what’s interesting to you about living in the city? Why do you like it?
W: Well, I’m just a city girl. One time I bought a house in the country to escape from the urban ills, and then found myself totally bored with country life. Because you have to drive everywhere, and there’s not much to do. I’m used to the fast pace of the city. There’s a whole variety of museums, movies, coffee shops, and places to interact with people.
M: Okay, but what about your vacation? I mean, a lot of city people rent vacation houses in the country.
W: But to me, going to the country for a vacation makes no sense at all. There’s so much work to do. First, you have to get there, and then, I don’t know. I think I can relax better in the city. Besides, the country has bugs. There you are supposedly enjoying yourself in the fresh country air, but you are to be eaten alive by a variety of different bugs. You can’t enjoy yourself. You are to be stung and eaten to death. You can’t relax. Let’s put it this way. If you like boredom, you’ll like the country. People who like a lot of stimulation, you know, can’t hack it.
M: Well, what would you say is the one thing you like most about the city?
W: The interactive social life. People get together. I like it when you call up and people say "come on over", and you hang out together. And it’s just fun.
M: Yeah, and what about the suburbs?
W: Well, that’s even more hateful than the country to me.
M: Why?
W: Well, the suburbs don’t even have any of the good country air. There’s nothing to do. You just stuck there. And for young people, there are all sorts of problems, alcohol, drugs: you have to drive everywhere... Look, I go to my friend’s house in the suburbs. Do you ever see anyone walking in the street? No, it’s totally zero. There’s nothing going on. What can I say?! You know, it’s not for me. I do have one or two suburban friends who like it, because they make a barbecue and the birds are chirping, but not me. And then there’s another thing I really hate: In the city, you can make mistakes but you always get a second chance: but in the country and the suburbs, you are labeled. You feel like "wow, that’s it! " you are labeled. And that label doesn’t come off easily.
M: Well, do you think the city is lonely, or dangerous?
W: NO! In the city, people live in little communities, they have interactive social lives. And I don’t think the city is particularly dangerous.
6. Why did the woman once buy a house in the country?
7. What does the woman think of vacation in the country?
8. What does the woman like most about the city?
9. What does the woman think about living in the suburbs?
10. How does the woman describe the city life?

选项 A、Going to the country for a vacation makes no sense at all.
B、Renting a vacation house in the country is cheap.
C、People can enjoy the fresh air in the country.
D、People can relax better in the country.


解析 本题问女士对在乡下度假的看法。对话中女士说,对她来说,去乡下度假完全没有意义。A项Going to the country for a vacation makes no sense at all与原文一致,为答案。B“在乡下租一个度假屋是很便宜的”、C“人们可以在乡下享受新鲜的空气”和D“在乡下人们可以更好地放松”都不是女士的看法。
