A、She is in favor of calling police once there are problems. B、She is experienced at dealing with neighbors. C、She does not cons

admin2021-08-31  44

M: Well, in an ideal world, I guess we would all get along with our neighbors, wouldn’t we?
W: Right, right. We hope so.
M: But why is it important to have a good relationship with them?
W: Well, you know, your home is your sanctuary. And [1]how you get along with your neighbors really plays a large part in your health, well-being and happiness, because you know, your neighbors really kind of make your home. And so it’s important at least to establish a good, or at least polite relationship with your neighbors.
M: How do we establish that? When you move into a neighborhood, right, you should reach out to the neighbors or should they be reaching out to you?
W: I think it could work either way. I mean, certainly, if they don’t reach out to you, don’t assume that they are being rude or unfriendly. They just might be holding back because they think you are too busy—unpacking and settling in. [2]So if they don’t make that first step, you know, after a few days, go ahead and introduce yourself, because I think once you are on a first name basis with your neighbors, it makes that much easier to prevent problems later on, or maybe call on them for a favor down the road like if you are on a vacation and you need them to water your plants and pick up your mail. It’s much easier when you know them personally.
M: Yeah, [3]neighbors can be helpful, but of course they can also be annoying. Our neighbor plays music really loudly. He’s three houses down, and it’s extremely loud from early in the morning to late at night. What do we do to ask him not to play music so loudly?
W: Loud music is one of those top complaints, and I think you know for most reasons..., people, [4]they probably aren’t even aware that they are causing problems for their neighbors. And I think if you bring it up to your neighbors’ attention they will be more than happy to fix it. You could say something like "I’m really a light sleeper or I suffer from migraines. Can you help me out by turning down the music during those evening hours or the early morning?" or come up with a compromise that works for both of you, a resolution that works for both of you.
1.Why is it important to have a good relationship with your neighbors?
2.What should you do if your neighbors don’t reach out to you first?
3.What makes the man think his neighbor annoying?
4.According to the woman, why do neighbors play loud music?
5.What can we learn about the woman?

选项 A、She is in favor of calling police once there are problems.
B、She is experienced at dealing with neighbors.
C、She does not consider neighboring relationship important.
D、She will not compromise herself to handle problems.


解析 对话最后女士给了男士很多建议解决邻居大声播音乐的问题,比如:告诉他们自己睡眠很浅或有偏头痛,能否在晚上和清早把音乐声调小点;或者提出一个折衷方案。由此可知B“她处理邻里关系很有经验”正确。A“一有问题她就喜欢叫警察”、C“她认为邻里关系不重要”和D“她处理问题不会妥协”都与原文不符。
