(1) The salt equation taught to doctors for more than 200 years is not hard to understand. The body relies on this essential min

admin2021-02-24  48

问题    (1) The salt equation taught to doctors for more than 200 years is not hard to understand. The body relies on this essential mineral for a variety of functions, including blood pressure and the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium levels in the blood must be carefully maintained. If you eat a lot of salt—sodium chloride—you will become thirsty and drink water, diluting your blood enough to maintain the proper concentration of sodium. Ultimately you will excrete much of the excess salt and water in urine. The theory is intuitive and simple. And it may be completely wrong.
   (2) The research, published recently in two dense papers in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, contradicts much of the conventional wisdom about how the body handles salt and suggests that high levels may play a role in weight loss.
   (3) The findings have stunned kidney specialists. "This is just very novel and fascinating," said Dr. Melanie Hoenig, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "The work was meticulously done. "
   (4) Dr. James R. Johnston, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, marked each unexpected finding in the margins of the two papers. The studies were covered with scribbles by the time he was done. "Really cool," he said, although he added that the findings need to be replicated.
   (5) The new studies are the culmination of a decades-long quest by a determined scientist, Dr. Jens Titze, now a kidney specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research in Erlangen, Germany.
   (6) In 1991, as a medical student in Berlin, he took a class on human physiology in extreme environments. The professor who taught the course worked with the European space program and presented data from a simulated 28-day mission in which a crew lived in a small capsule. The main goal was to learn how the crew members would get along. But the scientists also had collected the astronauts’ urine and other physiological markers. Titze noticed something puzzling in the crew members’ data: Their urine volumes went up and down in a seven-day cycle. That contradicted all he’d been taught in medical school: There should be no such temporal cycle.
   (7) In 1994, the Russian space program decided to do a 135-day simulation of life on the Mir space station. Titze arranged to go to Russia to study urine patterns among the crew members and how these were affected by salt in the diet. A striking finding emerged: a 28-day rhythm in the amount of sodium the cosmonauts’ bodies retained that was not linked to the amount of urine they produced. And the sodium rhythms were much more pronounced than the urine patterns. The sodium levels should have been rising and falling with the volume of urine. Although the study wasn’t perfect—the crew members’ sodium intake was not precisely calibrated (校准) —Titze was convinced something other than fluid intake was influencing sodium stores in the crew’s bodies. The conclusion, he realized, "was heresy. "
   (8) In 2006, the Russian space program announced two more simulation studies, one lasting 105 days and the other 520 days. Titze saw a chance to figure out whether his anomalous findings were real. In the shorter simulation, the cosmonauts ate a diet containing 12 grams of salt daily, followed by 9 grams daily, and then a low-salt diet of 6 grams daily, each for a 28-day period. In the longer mission, the cosmonauts also ate an additional cycle of 12 grams of salt daily. Like most of us, the cosmonauts liked their salt. Oliver Knickel, 33, a German citizen participating in the program who is now an automotive engineer in Stuttgart, recalled that even the food that supplied 12 grams a day was not salty enough for him. When the salt level got down to 6 grams, he said, "It didn’t taste good. "
   (9) The real shocker came when Titze measured the amount of sodium excreted in the crew’s urine, the volume of their urine, and the amount of sodium in their blood. The mysterious patterns in urine volume persisted, but everything seemed to proceed according to the textbooks. When the crew ate more salt, they excreted more salt: the amount of sodium in their blood remained constant, and their urine volume increased. "But then we had a look at fluid intake, and were more than surprised," he said. Instead of drinking more, the crew were drinking less in the long run when getting more salt. So where was the excreted water coming from? "There was only one way to explain this phenomenon," Titze said. "The body most likely had generated or produced water when salt intake was high. "
   (10) To get further insight, Titze began a study of mice in the laboratory. Sure enough, the more salt he added to the animals’ diet, the less water they drank. And he saw why. The animals were getting water— but not by drinking it. The increased levels of glucocorticoid hormones (糖皮质激素) broke down fat and muscle in their own bodies. This freed up water for the body to use. But that process requires energy, Titze also found, which is why the mice ate 25 percent more food on a high-salt diet. The hormones also may be a cause of the strange long-term fluctuations in urine volume.
   (11) Scientists knew that a starving body will burn its own fat and muscle for sustenance. But the realization that something similar happens on a salty diet has come as a revelation.
   (12) People do what camels do, noted Dr. Mark Zeidel, a nephrologist at Harvard Medical School who wrote an editorial accompanying Titze’s studies. A camel traveling through the desert that has no water to drink gets water instead by breaking down the fat in its hump.
   (13) One of the many implications of this finding is that salt may be involved in weight loss. Generally, scientists have assumed that a high-salt diet encourages a greater intake of fluids, which increases weight. But if balancing a higher salt intake requires the body to break down tissue, it may also increase energy expenditure.
   (14) Still, Titze said he would not advise eating a lot of salt to lose weight. If his results are correct, more salt will make you hungrier in the long run, so you would have to be sure you did not eat more food to make up for the extra calories burned. And, Titze said, high glucocorticoid levels are linked to such conditions as osteoporosis (骨质疏松症), muscle loss, Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic (新陈代谢的) problems.
The simulation study lasting 28 days______.

选项 A、was undertaken jointly by Titze and the European space program
B、took astronauts living in a space vehicle as subjects
C、aimed to collect and analyze the subjects’ urine
D、found astronauts’ urine volumes rise and fall every seven days


解析 推理判断题。根据题干提示定位至第六段。第六段第二句指出,授课教授与欧洲太空计划合作,并展示了一项为期28天的模拟任务所获得的数据,在该项任务中,全体宇航员都生活在一个小太空舱内。再结合接下来三句中的研究目标和收集信息可知,该项任务的实验对象是生活在一个宇宙飞行器中的宇航员,故B为答案,同时排除A,因为与欧洲太空计划合作该项研究的是蒂策的授课教授,而不是蒂策本人。该段第三句和第四句指出,该研究的主要目标是了解宇航员们会如何相处,但科学家们也收集了这些宇航员的尿液及其他生理指标。由此可知,收集和分析实验对象的尿液只是科学家们附带做的工作,而非该研究的主要目标,C与原文表述不符,故排除;该段第五句提到蒂策注意到宇航员的数据中有令人费解的地方:他们的尿量以7天为一个周期上下波动,由此可知,这一变化是作为学生的蒂策发现的,而不是这项研究发现的,故排除D。
