
admin2009-08-15  32

问题 [题日要求]你爸爸原单位的老同事王叔叔举行晚会庆祝升职,打电活到你家请你爸爸参加,碰巧你爸爸不在家,而你又要马上外出,为此请你用英语给你爸爸写一张100字左右的留言条,告诉他:为何王叔叔请他吃饭;出席晚会的其他客人;提醒他晚会的时间,地点。


答案Father: 5:0Op. m. Uncle Wang has just called and asked me to tell you that he is going to give a party at 7:00P. M. on July,3, at Jin Jiang Hotel. The Party is to celebrate his promotion. He thinks it is a good opportunity to express his thanks to you for your sincere help when he was in trouble. Be- sides you, he also has invited almost all colleagues in your former company. He thinks all of you’ll have a good time if you join them. Please call him back to confirm. Your son

