
admin2022-09-09  46

问题 下面你将听到一段英国官员谈论深化中英合作的讲话。
UK-China relations have entered into a golden era. UK and China are both global powers with a global outlook. As we do so and become ever more outward-looking, and as China continues to reform and open up, we’re committed to deepening our strong and vital partnership, and that relationship, our relationship, is indeed broad and deep and it delivers real benefits to both countries. We’re working together to tackle global and regional security challenges, to build sustainable economies of the future, to enhance our bilateral trade and investment relationships, and to develop our strong education and societal links. //
    As fellow permanent members of the UN Security Council and the G20, we’re committed to jointly addressing global challenges. Indeed, steel is one of those challenges that the G20 has discussed. We’re also committed to protecting and promoting the rules-based international system. As we said, we’ve discussed North Korea. We agree that its pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes is illegal, reckless and poses an unacceptable threat to international peace and security. And we’ve agreed the full and effective implementation of UN Security Council sanctions is vital to persuade the North Korean regime to change course and abandon its illegal activity. //
    We’ve agreed new measures on aviation security designed to improve aviation security standards in both the UK and China, by sharing more information and undertaking visits to share best practice and observe standards of implementation. And we will also do more together to tackle the scourge of modern slavery, to disrupt and prosecute the organized crime groups responsible, and to protect victims. And we will begin new joint work to tackle other forms of serious organized crime, including the illegal supply of synthetic drugs. //
    We have discussed on how our economies have complementary strengths. Trade between our two countries is already at record levels, worth over £59 billion. UK exports to China have grown by over 60% since 2010 and the UK is already one of the largest European recipients of Chinese foreign direct investment. The UK is the world’s largest exporter of financial services and UK firms are leaders in China’s market. And we’re determined to deepen our trading relationship even further, and we’re ambitious for what our future trade relationship will be. So we will work together to explore all options to deliver a high level of ambition for that future trading relationship. //
    We’ve also agreed to open up the Chinese market to enable our great UK financial services expertise to reach more Chinese consumers. And we’ll be pleased to welcome a significant number of major new commercial deals due to be agreed expected to total over £9 billion, creating and securing jobs and prosperity both here and in the UK. We’ve welcomed the opportunities provided by the Belt and Road Initiative to further prosperity and sustainable development across Asia and the wider world, and as with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the UK is a natural partner for the Belt and Road initiative with our unrivalled City of London expertise. We’ve discussed how the UK and China will continue to work together to identify how best we can cooperate on the Belt and Road Initiative across the region and ensure it meets international standards. //
    We’ll work together to encourage free and fair trade, ensure a transparent rules-based multilateral trading system, and build an open, global economy that works for all. And as partners committed to global free trade, we can work to ensure that as our companies innovate and develop new products, they’re confident that their intellectual property and rights will be fully protected, including against cyber threats. So the UK and China are global partners for the long term. We are committed to building on our deep and mature ties, to promote global peace and prosperity in the 21st Century. //


答案 英中两国关系进入了黄金时代。英中两国都是具有国际视野的世界大国。英国的国际视野愈发外向,中国则进一步改革开放,两国致力于深化相互间强劲而重要的合作伙伴关系。两国关系广泛而深入,这种关系为两国带来了切实的利益。我们共同合作,应对国际和地区的安全挑战,共同打造未来可持续经济发展,强化两国双边贸易和投资关系,发展强有力的教育和社会联系。 同为联合国安理会常任理事国、G20成员国,英中两国致力于共同应对全球挑战,包括G20已讨论过的钢铁问题。两国还致力于保护和促进基于规则的国际体系。我们讨论了朝鲜问题,一致认为朝鲜核计划、弹道导弹计划是非法的、鲁莽的,将对国际和平与安全造成无法容忍的威胁。我们还一致认为,全面而有效地履行联合国安理会制裁,对于劝服朝鲜政权调转方向、停止非法活动,是非常重要的。 我们还商定了新的航空安全措施。这些措施旨在通过进一步共享信息、互访分享实践经验、观摩标准执行,提高英中两国的航空安全标准。我们还将进一步合作,应对现代奴隶制;捣毁有组织的犯罪集团,将其绳之以法,保护受害群体。我们还将开展新的合作,应对其他形式的有组织犯罪,包括合成毒品的非法交易。 我们讨论了两国经济的互补性优势。两国间的贸易额已突破590亿英镑,创历史新高;自2010年以来,英国对中国的出口增长已超过60%。英国是欧洲最大的中国对外直接投资接收国之一。英国是世界最大的金融服务出口国,英国企业也在这一领域于中国市场占据着领先地位。我们坚定深化两国贸易关系,并对两国贸易关系的未来充满信心。我们将合作探索实现贸易关系远大未来的所有途径。 我们还达成协议,中国将进一步开放金融服务市场,使英国卓越的金融服务覆盖更多的中国消费者。我们很高兴地欢迎两国即将达成一批新的重大商业协议,价值预计超过90亿英镑,这将有助于两国的就业与繁荣。我们欢迎“一带一路”为亚洲乃至世界繁荣和可持续发展提供的机遇。英国具有独一无二的优势,是“一带一路”和亚洲基础设施投资银行的天然的伙伴。我们讨论了英中两国如何进一步合作,以优化“一带一路”的跨地区合作,确保其满足国际标准。 我们将共同鼓励自由和公平贸易,共同建立一个透明的、基于规则的多边贸易体系,共同建立一个开放的、普遍的全球经济。我们致力于全球自由贸易,共同努力,确保我们的企业在研发、制造新产品时,知识产权和其他权利将得到充分保护,不受来自网络等因素的威胁。英国和中国是长期的全球合作伙伴。中英两国致力于建立深入而成熟的双边关系,以促进2l世纪的全球和平与繁荣。

解析     本文主要讲述英中两国建立深入而成熟的关系,属于外交类话题。文章第一段主要介绍两国深化合作关系的背景。第二段与第三段讲述两国在全球和平与安全问题方面的合作。第四段与第五段讲述了中英两国之间的经济联系,第六段为两国深化合作的愿景。本文脉络清晰,贴近真题长度,陌生词汇与长难句较少,总体难度中等。
    (1) 第一段中,As we do so and become ever more outward-looking, and as China continues to reform and open up在第一次出现时需明确指代。根据下文,文中的we指代的是“英国”,more outward-looking可译为“国际视野愈发开阔”,因此,可译为“英国的国际视野愈发开阔”。
    (2) 第二段中,需注意句子We agree that its pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes is illegal, reckless and poses an unacceptable threat to international peace and security的翻译。the pursuit of nuclear根据前文可推断出是朝鲜的核计划,可译为“朝鲜核计划”:ballistic missile programmes译为“弹道导弹计划”;reckless译为“鲁莽的”。因此,本句可译为“我们一致认为朝鲜核计划、弹道导弹计划是非法的、鲁莽的,将对国际和平与安全造成无法容忍的威胁”。
    (3) 第三段中,We’ve agreed new measures on aviation security designed to improve aviation security standards in both the UK and China, by sharing more information and undertaking visits to share best practice and observe standards of implementation一句较长,信息密度较大。designed to improve aviation security standards修饰new measures,by sharing more information and undertaking visits to share best practice and observe standards of implementation为句子的方式状语,按汉语的表达习惯,翻译时需前置。笔记记录时,要注意体现句子的层次逻辑,适当调整结构,划分句子。designed to可译为“旨在”,observe standards of implementation可译为“观摩标准执行”。
    (4) 第四段中,The UK is the world’s largest exporter of financial services and UK firms are leaders in China’s market需进行适当增译。UK firms are leaders in China’s market的字面意思为“英国企业在中国市场占据领先地位”,但根据前文,讲话人指的是在金融领域。翻译时可增译“在这一领域”,明确指代。因此,本句可译为“英国是世界最大的金融服务出口国,英国企业也在这一领域于中国市场占据着领先地位”。
    (5) 第五段中,需注意句子And we’ll be pleased to welcome a significant number of major new commercial deals due to be agreed expected to total over £9 billion, creating and securing jobs and prosperity both here and in the UK的翻译。本句较长,其中due to be agreed是一个插入语,修饰new commercial deals creating and securing jobs and prosperity both here and in the UK为现在分词短语,也是修饰new commercial deals creating and securing jobs可省译为“就业”,使译文更为简洁。因此,本句可译为“我们很高兴地欢迎两国即将达成一批新的重大商业协议,价值预计超过90亿英镑,这将有助于两国的就业与繁荣”。
    (6) 第六段中,需注意we can work to ensure that as our companies innovate and develop new products, they’re confident that their intellectual property and rights will be fully protected, including against cyber threats一句的翻译。该句可大致分为三个信息,即as our companies innovate and develop new products, they’re confident that their intellectual property and rights will be fully protected和including against cyber threats,翻译时可分别译为独立的句子。including against cyberthreats可译为“不受来自网络等因素的威胁”。因此,本句可译为“确保我们的企业在研发、制造新产品时,知识产权和其他权利将得到充分保护,不受来自网络等因素的威胁”。
