在数字阅读的强力冲击下,传统图书出版市场近年来一直不太景气,但在低迷的市场中却有一匹“黑马”——儿童出版市场。在图书零售业(book retail industry)总体走低的大背景下,儿童出版市场保持着逆市上扬的趋势,已成为拉动市场的领跑板块。随着国家放

admin2022-12-27  75

问题 在数字阅读的强力冲击下,传统图书出版市场近年来一直不太景气,但在低迷的市场中却有一匹“黑马”——儿童出版市场。在图书零售业(book retail industry)总体走低的大背景下,儿童出版市场保持着逆市上扬的趋势,已成为拉动市场的领跑板块。随着国家放开二孩政策,业内预计未来几年整个婴童消费市场的收益有望超过两万亿元,教育支出已成为仅次于食物的家庭第二大日常支出。出版物作为儿童教育的重要组成部分,也将迎来快速增长的空间。


答案In recent years, under the strong impact of digital reading, the traditional book publishing market has always been sluggish. However, there is a dark horse in this depressed market, that is, the children’s book publishing market. Against the background of the overall downward book retail industry, the children’s book publishing market keeps upward against the overall trend and has become a driving force in the market. As China allows couples to have a second child, it is predicted that the total revenue brought by the baby&children market will exceed 2 trillion yuan in the coming years. The educational expense has become the second greatest daily household expense after food expense. Publications, as an important part of children’s education, will also usher in rapid growth.

解析 1. 第一句中,“不太景气”可以用sluggish表达,“低迷的市场”则可译为depressed market,这样可以使用词多样化,避免重复单调。
2. 第二句中,“保持着逆势上扬的趋势”意思是儿童出版市场与出版市场整体低迷的趋势不同,是呈上升趋势的,故可译为keeps upward against the overall trend,“拉动市场的领跑板块”可意译为a driving force in the market。
3. 末句中,“作为儿童教育的重要组成部分”可以处理成一个插入成分,使句子形式简洁。
