中国画(traditional Chinese painting)是用毛笔、墨及颜料(pigment),在宣纸(Xuan paper)或绢(silk)上画出的画。中国画与中医、京剧一起,被誉为中国的“三大国粹”(three quintessence of

admin2014-03-22  43

问题     中国画(traditional Chinese painting)是用毛笔、墨及颜料(pigment),在宣纸(Xuan paper)或绢(silk)上画出的画。中国画与中医、京剧一起,被誉为中国的“三大国粹”(three quintessence of the Chinese culture)。中国画按内容分,主要有人物画、山水画、花鸟画三大类。战国时,中国已经有了比较成熟的人物画,唐朝时达到了顶峰。山水画是表现山川美景的画种。花鸟画画的是自然界中的花卉、鸟兽、鱼虫。中国画是诗、书(calligraphy)、画、印(seal carving)相结合的艺术。因此,它不仅能美化人们的生活,而且能给人们带来高雅的情趣和艺术享受。


答案 Traditional Chinese painting is the art of painting on a piece of Xuan paper or silk with a Chinese brush that was soaked with black ink or coloured pigments. It is regarded as one of the "three quintessence of the Chinese culture", the other two being traditional Chinese medicine and Beijing Opera. By subject, traditional Chinese painting can be classified into three types: figure painting, landscape painting, and flowers and birds painting. Figure painting came into maturity as early as the Warring States Period and reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty. Landscape painting, as the name indicates, delineates the outside scenery. Flowers and birds painting concentrates on the drawing of flowers, birds, animals, fishes, and insects, etc. Traditional Chinese painting is an art form combining poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal carving. Thus, traditional Chinese painting not only beautifies people’s life but also brings decorous sentiment and artistic enjoyment for people.

