道家思想(Taoism)是中国春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)最重要的思想学派之一,创始人是老子。道家思想的核心是“道”(Tao),老子用“道”来说明宇宙万物的产生和演变。认为人们在思想和行为上都要遵循“道”的规律,一切

admin2017-04-12  37

问题     道家思想(Taoism)是中国春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)最重要的思想学派之一,创始人是老子。道家思想的核心是“道”(Tao),老子用“道”来说明宇宙万物的产生和演变。认为人们在思想和行为上都要遵循“道”的规律,一切都要顺其自然。老子之后的另一位哲学家庄子继承和发展了道家思想。他强调自我提高,追求精神的自由。道家思想提倡追求自然、和谐的思想以及批判性思维的人文精神,是中国传统文化中宝贵而独特的精神财富。


答案 Taoism, founded by Laozi, is one of the most important schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period of ancient China. The "Tao", as the core of Taoism, was applied by Laozi to explain the origin and evolvement of the universe. Laozi maintained that the law of the "Tao" should be applied to guide people’s thinking as well as behavior, and everything should be in accordance with the nature. Zhuangzi, a philosopher after Laozi, inherited and developed Taoism. He laid emphasis on self-improvement and pursued spiritual freedom. Taoism, which advocates the pursuit of naturalness and harmony as well as the humanistic spirit of critical thinking, is the precious and peculiar spiritual wealth of the traditional Chinese culture.

解析 1.第一句中的“创始人是老子”在翻译时,译为founded by Laozi,放在主语Taoism后面作后置定语,而不是用分句and the founder was Laozi。这样可以避免罗嗦。使译文简洁明了。
2.“道家思想的核心是‘道’,老子用‘道’来说明……”中的两个分句的主语分别是“核心”和“老子”。如果翻译为The core of Taoism was the“Tao”,and Laozi applied it to explain…显得句式零散。翻译成The “Tao”,as the core of Taoism,was applied by Laozi to explain...句式,用the“Tao”作主语,句子更简洁,并能完整地表达出原意。
3.“认为人们在思想和行为上都要遵循‘道’的规律,一切都要顺其自然”的主语为“老子”,在翻译时可添加主语Laozi。此外,由于汉语习惯用主动句,而英文以被动句居多的情况,可将主动句“人们在思想和行为上都要遵循‘道’的规律”译为被动形式,用be applied to表达。
