尊敬的普京总理,女士们,先生们,朋友们: 很高兴与老朋友普京总理共同出席第三届中俄经济工商界高峰论坛。“新局面、新水平”这个主题寓意深远,高度概括了中俄经贸关系面-临的形势和任务。我衷心祝愿本届论坛取得圆满成功!// 2008年是中俄关系继

admin2011-02-09  51

问题     尊敬的普京总理,女士们,先生们,朋友们:


答案 Your Excellency Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Ladies and Gentlemen Dear Friends, It is a great pleasure for me to attend the Third High-Level China-Russia Economic Forum with my old friend, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The theme of the Forum "Fresh Progress, Higher Level" has a profound meaning and succinctly summarizes the trends and tasks of China-Russia economic cooperation and trade. I sincerely wish the Forum a complete success! // The year 2008 has witnessed continued and in-depth development of China-Russia relations. Leaders of the two countries have reached a high degree of consensus on advancing China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination in an all-found manner and the boundary issues between the two countries have been fully resolved. China received valuable assistance and support from Russia in its rescue and relief efforts in the wake of the Wenchuan earthquake and in hosting the Olympic Games. The Chinese people have keenly realized what is meant by good neighbour, good friend and good partner. The Chinese Government and people will never forget the profound friendship of the Russian Government and people. // Both China and Russia are emerging economies with important influence in the world. To strengthen economic cooperation and trade between the two sides is not only conducive to the all-round development of bilateral relations, but also to the promotion of prosperity and stability of the world economy. In recent years, with the joint efforts of the two governments and people from all walks of life, China-Russia economic cooperation and trade has achieved remarkable success. //The current global financial turmoil poses unprecedented challenges to the world economy. As I have stated on many occasions, in face of crisis, confidence and cooperation are more important than gold or currency, for confidence is the source of strength and cooperation is an effective means to overcome the crisis. Without confidence and cooperation, we would not have been able to overcome difficulties and move the world economy forward over the past several decades. // Now, to stabilize the global financial markets, developed countries should shoulder their due responsibilities and obligations, and implement more effective policies to stabilize their own and the global financial markets. Other countries should adopt appropriate macroeconomic policies to maintain economic and financial stability and the stability of the capital markets. The international community should join hands to promote the development of the world economy and strive to minimize severe damage caused by the crisis to developing countries, the least developed countries in particular. To maintain stable and relatively fast economic growth is the biggest contribution that China, a large developing country with a 1.3 billion population, makes to the world. // We will remain committed to the policy of reform and opening-up in our effort to speed up the building of a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious modern country. We will continue to deepen economic and political reform and reform in other areas, liberate and develop social productive forces, and promote social harmony and progress. We will open China wider to the outside world in greater depth, and draw upon the achievements of all human civilizations. //Present here today are business leaders from China and Russia. Strong actions and active participation of the business communities are needed to implement the agreement reached between the leaders of the two countries. I firmly believe that so long as we seize opportunities and cooperate in good faith, Sino-Russian economic cooperation and trade will surely enter a brand new era. Thank you! // (Excerpt from address by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at the Opening Ceremony of the Third High-Level China-Russia Economic Forum)

