A、She had a high fever. B、She was in good health. C、She has caught a cold. D、There is something wrong with her heart and lungs.

admin2014-10-09  54

M: What’s the matter with you?
W: Oh, doctor. I had a fever last night.
M: Sony to hear that. Did you take your temperature?
W: No. But I knew it was a very high fever.
M: (7) But now you don’t seem to have a fever. Your temperature is normal. Are you taking any medication?
W: No.
M: OK, let me listen to your heart and lungs. Please take a deep breath.
W: Anything serious?
M: No, Don’t worry. (6)It’s only a cold. You’ll be OK soon.
W: Thanks a lot.

选项 A、She had a high fever.
B、She was in good health.
C、She has caught a cold.
D、There is something wrong with her heart and lungs.


解析 此题考查的是考生捕捉细节信息的能力。题目中询问根据医生的诊断,病人身体出了什么问题。根据原文中“It’s only s cold.”(只不过是感冒。)可知选项C(她患了感冒)为正确答案。根据原文,病人只是在前一天晚上发高烧,看医生时已无此症状,故选项A(她发高烧)应排除。选项D(她的心肺有问题)是对原文只言片语的牵强附会.与原文“... let me listen to your heart and lungs.”(让我听一下你的心肺)意义相差甚远。选项B (她健康状况良好)与原文出入最大,较易排除。
