The professor already knows something about Clare from her ______.

admin2011-01-14  56

问题 The professor already knows something about Clare from her ______.  
Professor: Good morning. Your name is Clare Sanders, isn’t it?
Student: That’s right.
Professor: Well, Clare, as we explained in the letter, in this interview I’d
         like to talk about some of the things that you mentioned in
         your application form, such as your experience and academic      Q21
.                                             Q22
Clare: I see.
Professor: Now, for your undergraduate degree, you studied geography,      Q23
Clare: That’s correct. At the Scottish National University.
Professor: SNU is a very prestigious university. Apart from that, were there any other reasons that you chose to study there?
Clare: Well, your correct in suggesting that the main reason I went there
     was due to the superior quality of the university, but there were
     two other reasons. The first was that it is reasonably far from my
     home. I wanted to be as independent as possible from my family      Q24
     whilst I was studying and felt that that was one way of achieving
     that aim. The other reason was that the university offered an
     excellent programme of summer work in developing countries and
     that’s something I was very keen on.
Professor: That would be the Livingstone Project?
Clare:    That’s right.
Professor: I’d like to return to that in a minute. Let me just check the optional
         courses you took in your third year.                            Q25
Clare: The two compulsory courses were Methodology in Geography
     and Statistical Analysis and I chose Infrastructure, Development
     Issues and Geology in addition to those.
Professor: I see. You clearly decided to focus more on the human geography      Q26
       side of things.
Clare: Yes. I had worked on development projects abroad for two
     summers as part of the Livingstone Project. The first project was               Q27
     in India and the second was in Sierra Leone.
Professor: Could you tell me the main aims of the projects and how you contributed?
Clare: The Indian project was to ensure that a village had adequate supplies of fresh water and adequate sanitation. On that project, my role was to help lay
pipes and put together various pieces of equipment. The project in Sierra Leone involved improving the infrastructure. The aim was to create rudimentary
roads between villages so that they could receive aid and so that they could get agricultural products, particularly fruit and vegetables, to the capital and
larger towns. My job was to help choose the best route for the roads, minimising any impact on the environment whilst maximising efficiency.
Professor: How did you find the experiences?
Clare: The Indian project was helpful in that it was my first experience
     abroad and I got to see how small development projects can really
     make a difference. However, I found the climate ... well, it was        Q28
     extremely hot and humid and we were doing a lot of physical
     work, so it was ... well, it made you appreciate air conditioning,
     for a start! The second project ... well, I enjoyed that a lot more.
     There was some physical work, but we had some machinery to
     help us clear paths through vegetation. I really enjoyed being able      Q29
     to put what I had learned into practise. For example, we had to
     choose a route on a map first of all, according to the contours of
     hills and valleys. Then we had to explore the ground and check
     that it was really a suitable route.
Professor: And now you’ve decided to take a Masters’ Degree in Development
as a result. Great. Well, I just have a few more questions      Q30
       regarding ...


答案academic background

