求职 为了在当今全球化市场中获得成功,公司必须雇佣最优秀、最聪明的员工。拥有才华出众的雇员是决定成败的关键。 在新的经济体制下,求职的竞争激烈必须付出最大努力。在过去,工作和事业是稳定的,容易预测的。如今这一切都不同了。工作、事业和职场变幻

admin2018-08-12  33

问题     求职


答案 Job Hunting To succeed in today’s global marketplace, companies must hire the best and the brightest people. Having talented employees can make the difference between success and failure (they are the key to success). Job hunting in this new economy is competitive and requires your best efforts. In the past, jobs and careers were stable, and predictable. Today all of that is different. Jobs, careers, and the world of work are changing and unpredictable and involve risk (but now things are different: work, careers and workplaces are characterized by changes, uncertainty and risks). If you want to be successful, you have to take smart risks, know the rules, and play by them (abide by/ follow them). To set yourself apart from the competition, follow these job-hunting tips for the new economy: 1. Know what you have to offer. What are you selling? What specific skills, experience and knowledge did you bring with you? The question employers want answered is: "What can you do for my company?" 2. Prepare a detailed resume/ CV. See if you can describe your past achievements to show what you can do for the potential employer. If not, why not? What you present (The materials you submit) should be clean, neat, and easy to read. 3. Take the initiative in selling/ promoting your services. Let people know what you have to offer/ what you can do. Give employers a reason to talk with you; they need to know the benefits that hiring you will bring them. Be prepared to offer that information, even if they don’t ask for it. 4. Think about the employer’s needs/ requirements, not your agenda (instead of your own plans). Never mind your agenda (getting a job) , think about their goal (solving a problem). What problem are they trying to solve? Describe/ Explain how you can help.

