A、She is too busy to have breakfast. B、She prefers a bar of chocolate to breakfast. C、She gets up too late. D、The smell of break

admin2020-10-22  33

M: Hi, I’m from the Students’ Union. We’re doing a survey of students’ eating habits. Is it all right if I ask you a few questions?
W: Will it take long?
M: No, not really. Five minutes maybe? There aren’t all that many questions.
W: And what’s it for exactly?
M: Well, we wanted to get an idea of the sort of things students eat on a regular basis, and (6)find out how aware people are about diet and nutrition. The idea is to produce an information leaflet about healthy eating.
W: Yes, I suppose something like that would be quite useful, a leaflet I mean, especially for new students. Anyway, what do you want to know, exactly?
M: OK, first question. What would you say your favourite food is?
W: That’s easy. A burger and chips. Lots of chips! I must say I like a nice Chinese meal as well, and maybe spaghetti once in a while... But no, (7)the best has got to be a burger.
M: OK, and what’s your least favorite food?
W: Let me think. I’ve never been that keen on cauliflower, or fish—the smell puts me off. But no, the thing I really can’t stand is salad. Rabbit food, I call it. I know lettuce and things are supposed to be healthy and all that, but it’s just not a real meal, is it?
M: Mmm. You’re getting into some bad habits there, you know. Anyway, moving on... Let’s take a typical day. How many meals do you have? I mean proper sit-down meals, not snacks.
W: Well, (8)I nearly always oversleep, which means I generally skip breakfast altogether. And then I’d probably just have a bar of chocolate for lunch. So in answer to your question, I don’t sit down to a proper meal till the evening.
M: OK. Typical student. I suppose! And the next question: How many eggs would you eat in a week? One? Two?
W: Well, I don’t do much cooking as a rule, but every Sunday I make myself a nice fried breakfast as a treat. That’s sausages, bacon and two eggs. Lovely!
M: That sounds OK once a week. But (9)I wouldn’t recommend it on a regular basis. Too much fat. And how about fresh fruit? Does it figure in your diet at all?
W: Not really, well, I know it’s bad, but... I’m just not in the habit really. (10)I suppose I might eat an apple once in a blue moon.
M: Pity. But I suppose it’s better than nothing! And would you say you had a sweet tooth.
W: I guest so. Well, most people have, haven’t they? Me, I can’t resist a bar of chocolate.
6. What does the man want to find out?
7. What can we learn from the conversation about the woman’s; eating habit?
8. Why does the woman usually skip breakfast?
9. What does the man think of the woman’s fried breakfast?
10. How often does the woman eat apples?

选项 A、She is too busy to have breakfast.
B、She prefers a bar of chocolate to breakfast.
C、She gets up too late.
D、The smell of breakfast puts her off.


解析 根据选项的关键词too busy to have breakfast,prefers…to breakfast,too late,puts her off推断本题可能问为何不吃早餐。录音中,女士说她几乎总是睡过头了,即起床太晚是她不吃早餐的原因,因此选C。A“她太忙而不能吃早餐”未在会话中提及;录音提到,女士通常只吃一块巧克力作为午餐,与题目所问的早餐无关,故排除B;D项是用录音中的原词胡乱拼凑制造的干扰项,也排除。
