Read carefully the following excerpt on banning smartphones from schools, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words

admin2022-12-07  40

问题     Read carefully the following excerpt on banning smartphones from schools, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
    . summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
    . comment on whether schools should ban smartphones. You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
                                    Is It Time to Ban Smartphones from Our Schools?
    Sitting over 1200 acres of Hampshire’s most beautiful countryside, Lord Wandsworth College has retained much of its Georgian character since opening as an orphanage in 1912. And this month, it is set to revert to its past in one more important way.
    Across the miles of woodlands, fields, and valleys that make up the boarding school’s grounds, smartphones will now be banned during the school week as part of a tough new "invisibility" policy designed to pull teenagers away from their screens and into the real world.
    Headmaster Adam Williams says impetus for the ban came from students themselves, who are worried about the seriously addictive qualities of social media. Indeed, studies show that many teenagers spend up to 10 hours each day "mindlessly swiping" on their phones, with the head of the NHS urging Facebook to release its "insidious grip" on young people.
    On the other hand, Grace Moody-Stuart, director of the Good Schools Guide, says that after a long period of resistance she caved in to demands last week to give her 11-year-old daughter a smartphone. She says the pressure on parents to provide their offspring with the latest gadgets can be immense.
    And with technology finding its way into ever-more areas of our lives, is it really sensible to limit a child’s access to it? Teenagers, it is said, are part of the first "tech native" generation— perhaps that should be celebrated?
    Indeed, the elite Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School in Hertfordshire takes largely this view. The school admits to having a "relatively liberal" policy on smartphones, which it says are an "essential tool moving forward in an AI and digitally-dominated world".


答案 Should We Ban Smartphones from Our Schools? Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life, and they are not just limited to adults. Considering the fact that many students are addicted to it, some schools decide to ban the use of smartphones during school days. The headmaster of a boarding school insists that it is one of the key moves to pull teenagers away from their screens and into the real world, while others maintain that it is not wise to entirely block students’ access to smartphones. Undeniably, there are points in both sides of the argument. But as far as I can see, it doesn’t hold water to propose strict prohibition on the use of smartphones during school days. Leaving aside its role as a means of real-time communication, a smartphone can do a lot of good to students’ study. Firstly, under the teacher’s guidance, students can use smartphones to access the interactive content for the subject they are currently studying in class. Secondly, various apps in a smartphone facilitate students’ independent language learning and problem-solving. Moreover, a smartphone can be a teaching aide for teachers to assign and check students’ homework through learning apps. Admittedly, smartphones may sometimes distract students’ attention from learning and lure them into playing mobile games, but they bring students more benefit than harm in general. Therefore, what is important for schools to do is to offer guidance on the wise use of smartphones rather than ban them from schools.

解析     本题要求先总结所给材料中的主要信息,然后针对“学校是否应该严禁学生使用手机”发表自己的看法。根据所给材料,万斯沃斯勋爵学院提出一项新政策。禁止学生在校期间使用手机,旨在把青少年从屏幕前拉回到现实世界。该校校长说促使禁令出台的是学生们自己,他们担心手机会让自己上瘾。然而,有的人则认为。随着科技进入我们生活中越来越多的领域,限制孩子接触手机等高科技产品并非明智之举,而另一所学校也支持这种观点,并对智能手机采取了“相对宽松”的政策,称手机是“在人工智能和数字主导的世界中向前发展的一个重要工具”。在具体行文方面,考生可以在第一段简要概述所给材料的内容。第二段针对“学校是否应该严禁学生使用手机”发表自己的看法。论证有理有据即可。第三段再次重申自己的观点,总结全文。
