A、Education. B、Malaria. C、AIDS. D、Medical treatment. D由原文可知,盖茨基金会主要致力于在全世界消灭痢疾、艾滋病以及其他疾病。可见,该基金会主要致力于医疗。因此答案为D。

admin2022-09-30  37

W: Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says he is going to give away most of his multibillion-dollar fortune to the less fortunate. Now it will be the largest philanthropic (慈善的) gift in history. He plans to gradually give away the bulk of his stock to five foundations (基金会). Most of it goes to the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, which is focused on ridding the world of malaria (疟疾), AIDS, and other diseases. So joining us now is a man who knows Buffett and his motivations perhaps better than anyone, Biographer Andrew Kilpatrick. Andrew, good to have you.
M: Thank you.
W: So many people thought that Buffett would never give away his money to charity until after he dies. So why the change of heart?
M: Well, that’s right. He has always said it would be after he died. He has changed it. I think Gates has influenced him a lot and I think what he sees is the Gates Foundation can do a better job of giving than he can. This is really a merger of Buffett and Gates.
W: So that explains perhaps why he gave it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I mean, to have the second richest man give his fortune to the richest man in the country might make sense.
M: Well, it’s pretty funny, but he says he’s really not giving it to Bill Gates. He’s giving it through Bill Gates to the causes that the foundation deems (认为,视为) are the most worthwhile use of the money.
W: Is it already worth, er, something like 30 billion dollars even without Buffett’s money?
M: Right.
W: So I guess the relationships mean a lot to the men then, perhaps.
M: The relationship does mean a lot. They met in 1991. They played bridge together, traveled together, went to each other’s football games and homes, and I think they’ve talked about this for a long long time.
W: Well, Andrew, give us the inside story on the children’s reaction. I mean Buffett has always said that he was not going to give them his fortune. He wanted them to have the incentive to work. But I was wondering, what are their feelings about their dad and his money?
M: They are in full agreement with their father about this. They’ve joked about it, saying that is not about their mother used to think. But they are in synch with (与……一致) him. In fact, some of the money is going to the children’s foundations, so that they can give it to the causes they believe in.
W: Alright. Andrew, good to see you.
M: Thank you.
6. Where will the main part of Buffet’s stock go to?
7. What is the focus of the Gates Foundation?
8. Why does Buffet give his stock mainly to the Gates Foundation?
9. Why doesn’t Buffet give his fortune to his children?
10. What is his children’s reaction to Buffet’s philanthropy?

选项 A、Education.
D、Medical treatment.


解析 由原文可知,盖茨基金会主要致力于在全世界消灭痢疾、艾滋病以及其他疾病。可见,该基金会主要致力于医疗。因此答案为D。
