A、Full coverage restricts the amount used on car damages. B、Full coverage only covers the damages of someone else’s car. C、Full

admin2017-05-17  30

W: Hey, you don’t look well. What’s going on?
M: I just got into a small accident with my new car.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened? Are you alright?
M: Well, [1]I was not paying attention when I was looking for a parking spot and I hit another car. But fortunately I just have a small headache, and other than that I’m fine.
W: Did you hit it head on or on the side?
M: Neither, [1]I ran into the other car’s back bumper as it was backing out of a parking space. I shouldn’t be that careless.
W: Were you doing something else at the time?
M: Well, I really regret that. [2]I was sending a voice message to my friend.
W: Oh, that’s not a good habit. Was the other driver hurt at all?
M: No, thankfully it only jostled that old lady a little bit, but she was very angry about it.
W: Yeah, I know. And you may have to pay for the damages since you are accountable for it. Do you have the car insurance?
M: Yes, now I’m really thankful that I pay a little extra every month for full coverage.
W: What is the difference between full coverage and liability only?
M: [3]Full coverage costs more, but it will pay more to have your own car fixed if you get into an accident.
W: So you won’t have to pay for the damages to your car from the accident today, right?
M: [3]Well. I have to pay a small deductible, but it is still a lot less than what I would have to pay to fix the car myself.
W: Then what would liability cover?
M: Liability would only take care of the damages to someone else’s car, but not mine.
W: So does that mean your insurance covers both the damage to your car and the damage to the other car?
M: Usually it would, but the other driver did not have any insurance.
W: What do you mean by that?
M: Well, [4]if the other driver does not have insurance, then I am not responsible for the damages to her car, because she is not supposed to drive at all unless she gets the insurance.
W: Did you receive a ticket for the accident?
M: Of course, [5]the police officer gave me a small ticket because it was my fault.
W: Did the other driver receive a ticket too?
M: Yes, [5]her ticket was much higher because she did not have insurance while driving.
W: I wonder if the other driver knew how important it was to have car insurance.
M: If she did not know before the accident, I hope she knows now.
1. What is the accident mentioned in the conversation?
2. What may be the reason that caused the accident?
3. What do we learn about full coverage from the conversation?
4. Why doesn’t the man’s insurance cover the other car’s damages?
5. What do we learn about the tickets given by the police officer?

选项 A、Full coverage restricts the amount used on car damages.
B、Full coverage only covers the damages of someone else’s car.
C、Full coverage costs much less than the liability insurance.
D、Full coverage still requires you to pay a small deductible.


解析 ①选项都是关于Full coverage的说明,听音时请注意相关信息。②对话中,女士问有了full coverage是不是意味着不用自己花钱修车?男士说还是得先支付一小部分免赔额,但那已经比自己花钱修车要少很多钱了。因此,D项“全险仍旧要求支付一小部分的免赔额”符合对话内容,为正确答案。③男士说通常情况下全险会保双方车辆的损害,而责任保险只保对另一方车辆造成的损失,所以B也不对。女士问全险和责任保险有什么区别,男士说全险的费用更高,由此可见C刚好相反。A“全险限制车辆损害的赔偿金额”在原文没有相关信息。
