
admin2014-12-05  82

问题     无论我们愿意与否,我们的社会生活与经济生活已经密不可分。中国和世界的过去与现在都证明了这样一个无可辩驳的事实,那就是没有政治和社会的稳定,任何有效的和有意义的改革都是不可能实现的。中国的外交政策是为了争取长期健康的国际环境,尤其是争取有利于中国社会主义现代化建设的环境,有利于维护世界和平、促进共同发展的环境。当今世界正处于复杂的大变革时期,国际形势总体趋好。我们必须抓住机遇,迎接挑战,为建设一个和平、稳定、繁荣的新世界而做出不懈的努力。


答案Whether we like it or not, we are bound together in our life, social and economic. The past and the present of both China and the world at large have proved the irrefutable fact that in the absence of political and social stability it is impossible to bring about any effective and meaningful reform. China’ s foreign policy serves to gain a long-term, sound international environment. Particularly, the policy aims to achieve an environment conducive to China’ s socialist modernization drive, the maintenance of world peace and promotion of joint development. Today the world is undergoing complicated and profound changes, and on the whole, the international situation is moving towards greater relaxation. We must stand ready to seize new opportunities and meet new challenges, and make unremitting efforts to build a wonderful new world of peace, stability and prosperity.

