
admin2013-10-08  62

问题     农历的五月初五是中国民间传统的端午节,也叫“五月节”。在这一天,人们要吃粽子、赛龙舟。据说,举行这些活动是为了纪念(commemorate)中国古代伟大的爱国诗人屈原。屈原是战国时期(公元前475—221年)楚国人。他主张楚国应该进行改革。后来,他听到楚国被秦国打败的消息,非常悲痛,就跳进汨罗江自杀了。为了不让鱼虾吃掉屈原的尸体(corpse),百姓们就把食物扔进江中喂它们。自那以后,每年农历五月初五人们都会这样做。于是,就形成了端午节吃粽子、赛龙舟的习俗。


答案 The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is a traditional Chinese folk festival—the Dragon Boat Festival, which is also called the "Festival of the Fifth Month". On that day, people eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races. It is said that these activities are to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in ancient China. Qu Yuan lived in the State of Chu in the Warring States Period(475-221 BC). He maintained that Chu’s policies should be reformed. Later, when he heard the news that Qin had defeated the State of Chu, he was very grieved, and he drowned himself in the Miluo River. In order not to let the fish and shrimps eat the corpse, people threw food into the river to feed them. Thereafter, on each fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people would throw food into the river. Thus the custom of eating zongzi and staging dragon boat race was formed.

