
admin2014-01-09  28

问题    学校请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子;他个子足有两米,每进屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬,这不太讲究礼貌了吗?顶怪的是,他每每与中国学生聊天,聊到可笑之处时,他不笑,脸上也没表情,好像他不喜欢玩笑:可是又是毫不可笑的事,他会冷不防放声大笑,笑得翻江倒海,仰面朝天,几乎连人带椅子要翻过去,喉结在脖子上乱跳,满脸胡子直抖。常使中国学生面面相觑,不知这位洋教师的神经是不是有点问题。


答案 Our institute employed an English teacher. He looked very strange--red-faced, golden-haired with a thick growth of whiskers, a few hairs of which going all the way to the nose. He was really tall--no less than six feet five inches. When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame. It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door and that was much too polite. What was more strange about him was that when he chatted with the Chinese students on amusing topics, he did not laugh, nor did his face show any expression as if he had no sense of humour at all. However, when talking about topics of the most unamusing nature, he would burst into uncontrollable laughter, roaring while rocking in his chair, almost falling flat on his back, his Adam’s apple dancing up an down in his throat and his whiskers fluttering all over his face. The students would look at each other, wondering if he was out of his mind.

