(1) It’s no secret that Brits love to talk about the weather. It’s essentially a national pastime. This is a country, for instan

admin2022-09-29  29

问题     (1) It’s no secret that Brits love to talk about the weather. It’s essentially a national pastime. This is a country, for instance, where the Shipping Forecast is a beloved institution, even among the vast majority of Brits whose livelihoods don’t depend on the sea.
    (2) All of this talk about weather has led to a number of words that enliven British English. Take "Northern nanny", which describes cold hail and windstorm coming from the north, or "moor-gallop", a sudden squall on a moor. Lexicographer Susan Rennie says that English dialects are "rich in weather words and I love ’dinderex’, a Devon term for a bolt of lightning which literally means ’thunder-axe’. "
    (3) As the U.K. is marked by a high density of regional accents and dialects, many of these words are very local. It’s clear that there are geographically specific patterns to the use of weather words. One example comes from the BBC’s Voices project, which in 2005 aimed to map current patterns in language use. This showed that the UK’s 10 favourite words to describe a light rain included "picking", although this is mainly used in a few parts of Wales.
    (4) "It is not surprising that there are far more words for bad weather in both English and Scots than for good weather, " says Rennie. "Partly this is because, over the centuries, our ancestors have encountered more distinct types of rain, wind and snow than sunshine. But it also reflects the potential dangers posed by bad weather and the need for exact and unambiguous communication."
    (5) Weather words aren’t just many and diverse—they also show a whimsical (古怪的) attitude towards language. After all, Brits love word-play. This fascination with language games extends to the way Brits talk about the weather. Describing a storm as a "hurly-burly" is one example. The onomatopoeia of "feefle", a Scots word for snow swirling around a corner, is another.
    (6) Weather is compared to food, as with "custard wind" (cold, easterly winds on England’s northeast coast). It’s likened to animals, for instance a "cat’s nose" (cool north-westerly wind), or "raining cats and dogs" (the exact etymology is contested, but the phrase has English origins).
    (7) Whimsical weather words aren’t the sole purview of the British. Other variants of English also have plenty. There’s "sugar weather" in Canada, to describe the cold weather that gets maple syrup running, and "toad-strangler" (very heavy rain) along the Gulf Coast of the U.S.
    (8) But many of these colourful words aren’t used very often these days. It is noted that when it comes to regionally specific terms, like Nottingham’s "goose fair morning" to describe a bright but cool daybreak, many have probably fallen out of common usage as people have become detached from or less dependent on the weather for their fortunes.
    (9) Clifford Sofield, senior assistant editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, says that three types of weather-related words tend to sound comical to the ears of English speakers. Firstly, "words that sound peculiar to a person are ones that they’re not familiar with or words that they have heard but haven’t used themselves." These include terms that were once used more widely, but now have become regionalisms. For example, "airish" (for cool weather) is now mainly used in Scotland—and the southern U.S.
    (10) Secondly, words and usages that have become obsolete strike us as odd. Shakespeare used "naughty" to describe the weather in King Lear; a University of Liverpool research project which is examining historical records of U. K. weather events has uncovered examples of the weather being described as mischievous or misbehaving. But it would be eccentric to refer to a naughty wind today.
    (11) Finally, Sofield says, there are weather words that are new or sound like they’re new. "Mizzling" might seem like a neologism combining mist and drizzling, but it actually derives from the Dutch "miezelen" (drizzle)—which itself may stem from words for "urinate".
    (12) Creativity—when it comes to creating weather expressions—is unlikely to stop any time soon. One example, from the last 20 or 30 years, is the term "lumps of rain" to describe heavy, thick rainfall. So if centuries of linguistic history (or U.K. weather) have shown us anything, it’s that the future of British English will continue to include many words for "letty", "stoating" or "specking"—that is, many words for rain. (本文选自 bbc. com)
About weather words, Mr. Sofield has explored the following aspects EXCEPT________.

选项 A、the prevalence of their usage
B、their epochal character
C、the creativity of people
D、their origins


解析 细节题。原文第九段第三句提到有些词汇曾经广泛使用,而今变成地方性的用语,可见舍菲尔德的探讨涉及使用的广泛性,故排除A;第十段提到有些词汇是过去经常使用的说法,如今可能听起来很奇怪,可见他也涉及了时代特点,故排除B;第十一段中讲到有些词是新创的,并澄清了对词源可能产生的误解,可见D也应排除;而舍菲尔德虽然提到了新创词汇,但目的主要还是说明词源,而不是人们的创造力,故C为答案。
