Regardless of schools’ cell phone policy, the reality in most schools is that students have phones in their pockets. Therefore,

admin2021-08-06  29

问题     Regardless of schools’ cell phone policy, the reality in most schools is that students have phones in their pockets. Therefore, some experts suggest that why not get these tools out in plain sight and use them for good and not evil. Do you think that cell phones can be used as educational tools? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
    2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Naomi: Cell phones can be used as needful school supplies. Some schools suggest that cell phones could produce those things such as calculators, dictionaries and translators. Children would be more excited to learn with technology than sit and listen to a lecture for an hour; it would help them take in information easier. I think we should take this into consideration.
    Brandon: Yes, cell phones can be used for education. Cell phones can let students look up things they don’t understand. They can also listen to music because some people concentrate more with music. There are apps that let students learn. There are also apps that are strictly for learning so students wouldn’t be texting. Also a teacher would watch the class and make sure they were working.
    Li Xiaoyu: Cell phones can definitely be educational tools. Smartphones are incredible nowadays. There are so many apps that could help students improve. Nowadays, students are even able to download books onto their smartphones so that they won’t even have to buy school books eventually. Students could also text each other and work on group projects together.
    Danaya112: Cell phones are distracting. When a teacher is teaching, a student might be using his cell phone to send text messages during the class. So I think that students should not use phones in school.
    Mr. Chubb: Cell phones cannot be educational tools. I do not see the point of allowing cell phones in a classroom because they are nothing but a distraction to students and the staff. Having the cell phones would cause the class work to get behind and teachers always have to take them away from students.
    Dave from America; No, technological devices such as cell phones are not educational. Many technological devices created today are less educational and more for entertainment purposes only. In fact, they may be doing the opposite of teaching. It has been shown that children of today are less able to participate in normal, face-to-face conversation with others. This is a sad development and scary as to what will happen in the future. Texting on phones has shown that we are completely losing the ability to spell. Schools need to focus on old-school ways of teaching, such as writing things out by hand, or our country may fall behind academically.
    Meg Ormiston: Some people may want to ban cell phones from classrooms, but I disagree. We didn’t ban pens in our schools because students can take notes during class. The pencils have also survived even though you could poke someone in the eye. And the amount of paper that is generated in most schools is almost criminal. This is a new time in education with dwindling budgets, so we need to rethink possibilities of stretching every dollar. These mini computers are walking through the doors each day. Let’s put them to work.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 Can Cell Phones Be Used as Educational Tools? The advent of electronic era has altered our way of learning on an astonishing scale. Experiments have been conducted to involve cell phones as educational tools in science class to calculate and search for resources. In response to the recent efforts to make positive use of cell phones in classrooms, supporters and objectors have been arguing heatedly over the advantages as well as disadvantages it will bring about. Many students embrace cell phones as legitimate tools for learning. With mobile apps and the Internet at their fingertips, students can use phones to look for answers to questions, make marks for home assignments and make notes by taking photos of the teacher’s board writing. In some teachers’ view, cell phones can be a solution to the massive usage of paper and books in classrooms. However, more teachers resent the idea of bringing cell phones into classrooms. As for them, under no circumstances should cell phones be allowed as educational tools in school, because not only do the cell phones distract students from learning, but also they impair students’ literacy and communication skills. Weighing the pros and cons, I’m inclined to agree with the former opinion. To begin with, with the help of cell phones learning can go beyond the walls of school or the confines of a class time. What’s more, the efforts to eliminate cell phone use are also short-sighted. With a willingness to experiment, teachers are able to create classrooms where the cell phones currently tucked into students’ backpacks function as important tools instead of incessant distractions. The last but not least, in answer to the fear of students’ not being able to handle using electronics, teachers can resolve the problem by paying closer attention to them while cell phones are in use. In a word, cell phones lead students to a wider world of knowledge if they can be made good use of in class. What we should consider now is not how to prohibit the use of cell phones in class, instead we should make every effort to optimize the use of them in class.

解析 本题讨论是否应该将手机作为教学工具应用于课堂这一问题,命题紧贴学生生活。题目要求简要概括所给材料中的两种观点,并发表自己的评论。在具体行文方面,考生可以开篇点题,简要概述这一现象,并就此提出论点,即是否应该将手机作为教学工具应用于课堂;第二段简要阐述正反两种观点;第三段重点阐述自己对这一现象的看法,并阐明理由;最后一段总结全文,重申论点。
