Lord Oxford possessed most of the needed gifts of a great statesman except ruthlessness towards others and insensitiveness for

admin2011-01-02  36

问题    Lord Oxford  possessed most of the needed gifts of a great  statesman except ruthlessness towards others and insensitiveness for himself. One wonders whether in-the conditions of the modern age a man so sensitive as he was will ever again be robust enough to expose himself to the outrages of public life. Lord Oxford protected his sensitiveness by silence, by totally refraining from retort or from complaint. He absolutely rejected the aid or the opportunities of the venal press. He could be the leader of a nation or of a party; he would hasten to protect a friend or a colleague, but he disdained to protect himself to a degree scarcely compatible with the actual conditions of contemporary life.  Yet it was probably this course of behaviour, this element of character, which, increasingly with years, moulded for him the aspect of dignity, the air of sweetness and calm, the gentle ruggedness of countenance, which those who knew him after he had finally left office will carry in their memories as characteristically his.


答案 牛津勋爵具备了一个伟大政治家所需要的大部分才能:但他缺少两样:一是对别人不够狠,二是脸皮不够厚。人们要问,在现今时代,像他这样对外界看法敏感的人是否还能坚强到再去经受政治生活的凌辱。牛津勋爵用沉默来保护他的敏感,决不驳斥,也不埋怨。他断然拒绝求助于可以收买的报纸,也不屑利用它们。他可以领导一个国家或政党,可以迅即保护一个朋友或同僚,但却不愿意去保护自己。他的做法与现代生活的实际状况几乎不相适应。然而,也许就是这种行为方式,这种性格特点,随着时间的推移,塑造了他庄重的神色,镇定、亲切的风度,温和而又坚毅的表情。在他最后卸职以后,人们仍然记得这些专属于他的特点。

